Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spiral Curry Puff 螺旋咖哩角

Spiral Curry Puff

Curry puff ( It is a small deep-fried pie consisting of specialised curry with chicken and potatoes ) is a very common snack in Malaysia. Today i not going to share with you the normal curry puff but instead I'm sharing with you this special spiral curry puff (inspired by Jane's corner as she recently brought a big box of spiral curry puffs to school and was well received by all).

Spiral Curry Puff

The crust of this spiral curry puff is more crunchy than the normal curry puff. Even after several hours, the skin still maintain crunchy and crispy.

Spiral Curry Puff

The process of making pastry

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Spiral Curry Puff

I believe more practices making nice curry puff, i'm proud to see this beautiful plait,,

Spiral Curry Puff

Spiral Curry Puff

I found the curry puff deep fry in a deep fryer get nicer colour and more crunchy. This was a batch that using wok to deep fry, the middle part tend to brown faster than other parts..

Spiral Curry Puff

Spiral Curry Puff
*makes 15 curry puffs
recipe source: pastry adapted from Jane's corner, folding method adapted from this video, and my own style of potato and chiken filling

Potato and chicken filling

Spiral Curry Puff250g potato, diced
150g chicken, diced
1tbsp chili paste
2tbsp meat curry powder
1 big onion, chopped
3 sprigs curry leaves
1tsp salt or to taste
1tsp sugar or to taste
1tsp light soy sauce

1. Heat oil in wok, sauté chopped onions until aroma
2. Mix in chili paste, curry leaves and curry powder till fragrant.
3. Add in diced chicken and potatoes, mix well.
4. Add in some water and simmer for 10-15min, season with salt, sugar and light soy sauce, cook until potato tender and mixture is dry.
5. Dish out to cool.


Water dough
Spiral Curry Puff200g all purpose flour
90-100g water
3tbsp cooking oil
1/2tsp salt
25g caster sugar

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2. Slowly pour in water and lightly knead till a soft dough.
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 20mins.

Oil dough
90g all purpose flour
45g Crisco shortening ( i reduced from original recipe 70g as i found it was too sticky to be handled)

1. Put flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Rub in shortening and slowly combine to a soft dough.
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 15mins.

To make spiral skin
1. Flatten the water dough and wrap the oil dough inside. Pinch the edges to seal it nicely.
2. Dust some flour on a work surface, gently roll the dough out into a rectangle.
3. Fold the rectangle from one long end by 1/3, and fold the other one long end over the top.
4. Rotate the dough 90 degree, gently roll the dough into rectangle again and repeat the folding process twice more.
5. Once the dough has been rolled and folded 3 times, slowly roll up tightly into a Swiss roll (apply some water on the dough while rolling) and rest for 20mins.
6. Use a sharp knife, divide the dough into 15 pieces of small dough (about 30g each).

To fill and shape puff
1. Take a small dough (spiral side face up) and use a small rolling pin to roll to a circle disc.
2. Put 1tbsp of filling in the centre, press the edge together and seal it.
3. Pinch the edge of the puff with your thumb and make plait on the edge.
4. Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer, oil must be very hot before putting in the puff and enough to cover to the puff.
5. Deep fry the puff on medium heat until golden brown.

Spiral Curry Puff

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Yeah! I finally managed to make Macarons after two failed attempt (no feet) and can you imagine i have use 600g icing sugar and 600g caster sugar, total 1.2kg sugar !!.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Actually i was not too sure how a good macarons should taste like until i tasted Earl Grey Macaron with Blueberry Compote Buttercream from The Sweet Spot, thin crust and little bit chewy on the inside. Actually this was not my 1st time made macarons. The 1st time i did a direct meringue method, no doubt it still look like a macarons with feet but i prefer the texture of this new recipe.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

After 2nd failed attempt, I called to The Sweet Spot and realized that I need a themometer as the requirement of 118C is a must !! and I have more confident after see Wendy's success macarons using the same recipe. Thanks a lot to Swee San and Wendy !

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

I don't have sweet tooth, i just ate few only, luckily i have support from my kids to finish all these macarons ^^
This was the first tray (at 3rd attempt), plain macarons and no drying and resting needed, straight put into oven after pipping.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

2nd batch, i started to play with colours!

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

See the beautiful feet!

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Recipe source: adapted from The Sweet Spot and some advises from Table for two or more
*Please visit Swee San's blog for step by step pictures and instructions

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream Almond mixture
200g almond meal
200g icing sugar
75g egg whites
A pinch of salt

75g egg whites
200g caster sugar
50g water

Food colouring, green tea powder

1. Sift almond meal and icing sugar in a mixing bowl, set aside.
2. Cook sugar and water until it reaches 118C.
3. When the syrup reaches 105C, start beat egg white until medium peaks (I actually started to beat egg white when syrup reaches 65C because I use KA mixer instead of hand mixer)
4. When syrup reaches 118C (remove from heat when reaches 116C because the temperature still increase using the remaining heat), pour it into egg whites on low speed.
5. Turn speed to medium high and beat meringue until stiff and glossy. While beating meringue, mix almond mixture (no 1) with egg white and salt, set aside.
6. Stir 1/3 of meringue into almond mixture and mix well. Fold the balance meringue.
7. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (I used Tesco’s baking paper and they are easy to be removed).
8. Preheat oven to 150C (fan off) – (I tried with fan on, it still work well)
9. Bake for 14 minutes on the lower 3rd of oven.
13. Remove from tray (with paper) and let it rest on a rack to cool down.

Blueberry Compote Italian Buttercream
(fills 50 macarons)

100g blueberries
1 tbsp caster sugar
lemon juice (to taste)

36g egg white (1 egg white)
70g caster sugar
15ml water
120g butter
pinch of salt

1. Place blueberries, sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice into a pot. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Taste. Let it cool.
2. To make the Italian Buttercream, first cut butter into knob sizes and let it chill in the fridge until ready to use.
3. In a pot, add in caster sugar and water. Bring to a temperature of 118 C. When the temperature reaches 110 C, whisk the egg whites in a mixer. By the time the sugar reaches 118 C, the egg white should be in medium peaks. Gradually stream in the sugar syrup while the mixer is still on medium speed whisk.
4. Whisk till it’s somewhat glossy and that the bowl is not so hot, remove the butter from fridge. Add in a knob into the mixer (while the whisk is still running) one at a time. If you add the butter when the meringue is still very hot, it turns soupy. If you add in the butter when the meringue is cold, you get a split buttercream. After all the butter has been added, whisk for another further 2-3 minutes. If it’s still warm, chill in the fridge for 5 minutes before you whisk it up again.
5. The buttercream should be glossy and buttery. Now, add in the blueberry compote.
6. Pour buttercream into a piping bag and start piping dollops of creamy buttery goodness on the macaron shells.
7. Sandwich with another macaron shell, ligtly press it to secure. Then arrange them on a tray or plate or container and let it rest in the fridge, preferably overnight. It taste much better the next day.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

**FYI, i use the egg white from the eggs that store inside the fridge.

After i success made this macaron, my mood is like this  red frangipani flowers (is in bloom now in my garden) so beautiful, hahaha....


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

The other day i bought a half pumpkin, and I use it to make this Pumpkin black sesame bread, pumpkin butter cake and steamed savourty pumpkin cake. I agreed pumpkin is a very versatile ingredient, we can use it for cooking or baking in many ways and methods.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

I adapted this recipe from a baking book that i bought from the recent Shanghai trip..

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Eventhough this is a direct method of making bread, the texture still maintain soft after keep it overnight. I like the black sesame paste very much, similar like peanut butter taste.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread200g High Protein flour
110g pumpkin puree (mashed after steamed or microwave high for 5mins, and sieve)
35g water
30g caster sugar
1/2tsp instant yeast
1/4tsp salt
20g butter, softened

70g Organic black sesame seed powder
25g icing sugar
30g egg white

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl except butter, mix till a rough dough.
2. Add in butter, knead till elastic and smooth. Leave to rise until double in size.
3. Mix black sesame seed powder, icing sugar and egg white till a thick paste.
4. Divide the dough to two portion and rest for 15mins. Roll up into rectangular and apply a thin layer of sesame paste. Roll it up like Swiss roll and place on the baking tray. Leave to proof another 15mins.
5. With a sharp knife, slash a few lines across the top of the dough.
6. Apply egg wash and bake at a preheated oven 180c for 20mins.

Pumpkin Black Sesame Bread

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thai Seafood Spaghetti

Thai Seafood Spaghetti

My daughter just told me this spaghetti is so so good ! I just cooked this spaghetti for lunch today, and my daughter always the first person who enjoy the lunch as her class start at afternoon.

Thai Seafood Spaghetti

This pasta was inspired by a similar plate of yummy pasta we took during our recent trip to Bangkok. I have been thinking to cook this at home one day. Finally after i gather all seafoods, i cook this pasta today.

Thai Seafood Spaghetti

I have a small pot of sweet basil, i almost plucked all the leaves from the whole plant..^^ hopefully it will grow faster, so i can cook this pasta again.
Try not to cook big volume at one go, cook person by person, easy to handle and taste better.

Thai Seafood Spaghetti
Recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover
*serves 4 pax

Thai Seafood Spaghetti300g spaghetti

300g clams
150g shrimps
150g squids

A bunch of fresh sweet Basil
20pcs of cherry tomatoes

Ground black pepper
Salt to taste
Chicken stock powder to taste

1. Cooked spaghetti in hot boiling water (add salt and olive oil) for 8mins, drain and set aside. Keep the cooked water for later use.
2. Heat up a pan, add in olive oil and garlic, sauté for few seconds.
3. Add in shrimps, squids, cherry tomatoes and clams, quickly stir for few seconds.
4. Add in cooked spaghetti and some cooked spaghetti water, add in seasonings and ground black pepper, quickly stir and add in basil, and turn off heat when clams is cooked (shell open).
5. Serve hot.

Thai Seafood Spaghetti

Monday, September 19, 2011

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake is my all time favourite cake beside butter cake. After i tried the Quay Po Cook's carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, i totally fall in love with this cake, a perfect carrot cake recipe. Earlier i did not serve carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, after i tried with cream cheese, I know i will not miss to prepare cream cheese frosting whenever i bake a carrot cake next time, they are the best combo! Last weekend, i brought this cake to a "gang dinner" at a Korean BBQ restaurant and all my girl friends were very impressed with this cake.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I use my new slim and long baking pan to bake this carrot cake. All this while i did not add nutmeg powder but after i tried this recipe, I realized that adding nutmeg powder really make this carrot cake taste even aroma..So don't miss to add nutmeg powder if you wish to bake one.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I did not apply the cream cheese frosting before i bring to the dinner as i afraid it will mess up the packing. I only apply cream cheese frosting before serving.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

I have changed the recipe from cups to gram as i prefer use gram to measure.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
Recipe source: carrot cake adapted from Quay Po Cooks, with changes to the cream cheese frosting. Makes a 2"x2"x9" pan or a normal size of loaf pan.

Carrot cake
Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting150g finely shredded carrots
130g all purpose flour
1/2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
80g caster sugar
80g brown sugar
1/4tsp nutmeg powder
1/4tsp cinnamon powder
100g corn oil
1/2tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs, lightly stir
40g walnut, chopped (next time, i will add more)
40g raisins ( i use mixed dried fruits)

1. Sift flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder and baking soda in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in caster sugar, salt and brown sugar, stir well.
3. Add in carrots, corn oil, vanilla extract and egg, beat for few minutes till mixture well combined.
4. Add in walnut and dried fruits, mix well.
5. Pour in a greased and line baking pan, bake at pre-heated oven 180c for 40mins.
6. Cool on a wire rack and apply cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese frosting

150g cream cheese, at room temperature
40g butter, at room temperature
70g icing sugar, sifted
1tbsp lemon juices
Finely grated lemon zest from 1 lemon

1. Beat cream cheese and butter till light and creamy.
2. Add in icing sugar and mix well on low speed.
3. Add in lemon juices and lemon zest, combine well.
4. Store in fridge for later use.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nyonya Prawns and Pineapple Curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

I attended a free cooking class few months back which was organized by the housing developer in my area, quite often they have this kind of free cooking class for residents (we can also bring friends along)..That class i attended was conducted by the Malaysia's celebrity chef Florence Tan.

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

She's a fabulous teacher because in no time, we've learned how to make prawn and pineapple curry, Nyonya salad and Hainanese rice ^^and she is humorous by telling us a lot of jokes. That was a fun cooking class and I enjoyed a lot of her yummy dishes.

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

I would like to share with you this Nyonya Prawns and Pineapple curry that i learnt in this class. Let me tell you this curry is very yummy, love the tangy and sweet curry..

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry

Nyonya Prawns and Pineapple Curry
Recipe source: adapted from Florence Tan's cooking class

550g big prawns, cleaned feelers only and leave shell on
Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry250g pineapple, cut in triangle
5tbsp cooking oil
1 tamarind peel
4 pcs kaffir lime leaves

Pounded ingredients
10 dried chilies, soaked well ( I use 2tbsp of homemade chili paste)
100g shallots
2 garlic
3 candlenuts, 1" fresh turmeric
1” blue ginger (galangal)
2 stalks lemon grass
1” cube of shrimp paste (Belacan)

200ml thick coconut milk
300ml water

1tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp sugar or to taste

1. Heat oil in a wok and sauté pounded ingredients until fragrant.
2. Add in pineapples, cook for few minutes then add in sugar.
3. Continue cook for 3-5mins and add in tamarind peel.
4. Pour in water and bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 15mins.
5. Increase heat and add in prawns, seasonings and kaffir lime leaves.
6. Bring to boil, pour in coconut milk, leave to boil for few minutes or gravy thickened.
7. Dish out and serve with steamed white rice.

Nyonya prawns and pineapple curry
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