Sunday, September 25, 2011

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Yeah! I finally managed to make Macarons after two failed attempt (no feet) and can you imagine i have use 600g icing sugar and 600g caster sugar, total 1.2kg sugar !!.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Actually i was not too sure how a good macarons should taste like until i tasted Earl Grey Macaron with Blueberry Compote Buttercream from The Sweet Spot, thin crust and little bit chewy on the inside. Actually this was not my 1st time made macarons. The 1st time i did a direct meringue method, no doubt it still look like a macarons with feet but i prefer the texture of this new recipe.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

After 2nd failed attempt, I called to The Sweet Spot and realized that I need a themometer as the requirement of 118C is a must !! and I have more confident after see Wendy's success macarons using the same recipe. Thanks a lot to Swee San and Wendy !

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

I don't have sweet tooth, i just ate few only, luckily i have support from my kids to finish all these macarons ^^
This was the first tray (at 3rd attempt), plain macarons and no drying and resting needed, straight put into oven after pipping.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

2nd batch, i started to play with colours!

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

See the beautiful feet!

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

Recipe source: adapted from The Sweet Spot and some advises from Table for two or more
*Please visit Swee San's blog for step by step pictures and instructions

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream Almond mixture
200g almond meal
200g icing sugar
75g egg whites
A pinch of salt

75g egg whites
200g caster sugar
50g water

Food colouring, green tea powder

1. Sift almond meal and icing sugar in a mixing bowl, set aside.
2. Cook sugar and water until it reaches 118C.
3. When the syrup reaches 105C, start beat egg white until medium peaks (I actually started to beat egg white when syrup reaches 65C because I use KA mixer instead of hand mixer)
4. When syrup reaches 118C (remove from heat when reaches 116C because the temperature still increase using the remaining heat), pour it into egg whites on low speed.
5. Turn speed to medium high and beat meringue until stiff and glossy. While beating meringue, mix almond mixture (no 1) with egg white and salt, set aside.
6. Stir 1/3 of meringue into almond mixture and mix well. Fold the balance meringue.
7. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (I used Tesco’s baking paper and they are easy to be removed).
8. Preheat oven to 150C (fan off) – (I tried with fan on, it still work well)
9. Bake for 14 minutes on the lower 3rd of oven.
13. Remove from tray (with paper) and let it rest on a rack to cool down.

Blueberry Compote Italian Buttercream
(fills 50 macarons)

100g blueberries
1 tbsp caster sugar
lemon juice (to taste)

36g egg white (1 egg white)
70g caster sugar
15ml water
120g butter
pinch of salt

1. Place blueberries, sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice into a pot. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Taste. Let it cool.
2. To make the Italian Buttercream, first cut butter into knob sizes and let it chill in the fridge until ready to use.
3. In a pot, add in caster sugar and water. Bring to a temperature of 118 C. When the temperature reaches 110 C, whisk the egg whites in a mixer. By the time the sugar reaches 118 C, the egg white should be in medium peaks. Gradually stream in the sugar syrup while the mixer is still on medium speed whisk.
4. Whisk till it’s somewhat glossy and that the bowl is not so hot, remove the butter from fridge. Add in a knob into the mixer (while the whisk is still running) one at a time. If you add the butter when the meringue is still very hot, it turns soupy. If you add in the butter when the meringue is cold, you get a split buttercream. After all the butter has been added, whisk for another further 2-3 minutes. If it’s still warm, chill in the fridge for 5 minutes before you whisk it up again.
5. The buttercream should be glossy and buttery. Now, add in the blueberry compote.
6. Pour buttercream into a piping bag and start piping dollops of creamy buttery goodness on the macaron shells.
7. Sandwich with another macaron shell, ligtly press it to secure. Then arrange them on a tray or plate or container and let it rest in the fridge, preferably overnight. It taste much better the next day.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream

**FYI, i use the egg white from the eggs that store inside the fridge.

After i success made this macaron, my mood is like this  red frangipani flowers (is in bloom now in my garden) so beautiful, hahaha....



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