Friday, October 14, 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

I'm back from China trip about 2 months already, took so many pictures, but till now i have yet to finish post it..Next time, i will try to post my vacation pictures during weekend if time is allow me to do so..or i think next time i better don't take any pictures during a trip...
Earlier i have few posts on Shanghai trip, actually i first go to Xiamen then only transfer to Shanghai.
Xiamen is a small island and very similar to Penang here..

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Not many places to visit, the local people told us to drop by Zhongshan Road for shopping and foods hunting..

We tried this peanut soup as we thougth a lot of peoples buying so the foods must be nice.

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

The peanut soup taste just ok, nothing to shout out and very normal only...i must try to cook this at home one day..

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

You can see all kind of foods selling here..

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

I only tried this stall, some kind of pan cake with egg, meat and spring onions, taste just ok.

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

A lot of shops selling sourvenir and all kind of traditional candies, cookies and etc..

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

This road is very busy with a lot of tourists and local peoples..

Zhongshan Road, Xiamen China 2011

Maybe you will curious why i visit to Xiamen not other famous places in China, actually i followed my husband who went there  for work, i just 'tumpang" only...^^


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