Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

This is another work under 吃饱饭没事做 (Having nothing better to do after being fed). I just like to try out making this "Tau Sha Piah" even i can easily buy this from the outside shops...when this biscuit hot came out from oven, it tastes like the one which is selling in the shop as it is very flaky and smells good !

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

But, the tedious steps, repeat the rolling steps for each of the small biscuit..

Picnik collage

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼
(recipe source: as seen in Jane’s corner who adapted from 安琪玲的天空)

400g peeled mung beans (soaked overnight, steamed and mashed),
1 1/2tsp white pepper
2tsp salt
250g fine sugar

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼100g cooking oil, 10 shallots (sliced thinly)

Dough A
125g flour
35g shortening
35g cooking oil

Dough B
250g sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp fine sugar
65g shortening
120-130ml water

1. Combine sugar, salt, and mashed beans in a large bowl. Mix well.
2. Heat oil in wok or pan. Stir-fry the shallots till fragrant and lightly browned, removed fried shallot and chopped into small pcs and grind it, set aside for later use.
3. Stir in the bean mixture, stir-fry on low heat till it becomes dry and able to form a ball.
4. Remove from heat and stir in fried shallots. Cool completely, divide and shape filling into 34 equal portion balls (around 20-22g).

To make Tau Sha Piah
1. Prepare dough A and B separately using the same method. Bring together all ingredients for each dough, mix well and knead to form soft dough. Cover and let them rest for 20 minutes. Divide and shape each dough into 34 equal portion balls.
2. Wrap dough A with dough B. Roll it out into long rectangle shape. Then roll up the dough like the swiss roll. Repeat this step twice.
3. Roll it out into a circle and place the filling at the center. Bring all edges together and pinch to seal.
4. Egg wash and bake in preheated oven at 180 degree C for 20 minutes or till golden brown.

Homemade Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits) 豆沙饼

Think twice before you want to try this out, find one day you are really free and nothing to do..very tedious steps indeed..I will also think twice before I will make this again, hehehe....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)

This was the 1st time I use sage leaf in the cooking. I tried this recipe as seen in Flavours food magazine, this is how they described Saltimbocca -Popular in Rome, this dish is usually served with a salad and boiled potatoes for dinner. You can also vary the ingredients to make a vegetarian version, replacing thinly sliced eggplant for the beef and stuff the roll with parsley, tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

sage leaf

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)
(recipe source: adapted from Flavours Food Magazine-Tasting Italy-Oct 2009)
*makes 12pcs

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)12pcs of beef tenderloin slices
Salt and pepper, to taste
3 slices ham, slice into equal size of beef
30g butter
3tbsp Olive oil
Sage leaves

1. Gently pound the beef slices to flatten into thin slices.
2. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Lay a piece of ham and sage leaf on top of the beef.
4. Roll and secure with toothpick.
5. In a frying pan, heat the butter and olive oil over medium heat.
6. Add 4 sage leaves. Place the beef rolls in the pan and cook until lightly browned.
7. Remove and serve immediately, topped with a sage leaf.

We enjoyed Saltimbocca with mashed potatoes and fresh cherry. Love the fragrant of sage leaf, next time i will  try to use sage leaf to roast a chicken..

Saltimbocca (Beef roll with sage leaf)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Korean Kimchi fried rice

My daughter is Korean drama/K-pop super supporter. And now Kimchi also become our family's favourite dish..I saw this Korean Kimchi fried rice in a Korean cookbook that i bought during my trip to Shanghai. I tried and i have served this fried rice many times as my family just love it..

Korean Kimchi fried rice

Usually we serve this with a sunny side-up egg, when the runny egg yolk mixed with the fried rice, so flavourful, creamy, spicy and sour, it was so delicious!

Korean Kimchi fried rice

Korean Kimchi fried rice

Korean Kimchi fried rice
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2cups uncooked Japanese short grain rice, cook in a rice cooker

Korean Kimchi fried rice1 onion, chopped
½ yellow pepper, cubed
1 Japanese cucumber, cubed
½ small carrot, chopped

200g chicken breast, cubed (marinate with salt and pepper) , or replaced with minced beef or pork
130g Korean Kimchi, chopped

Chicken stock powder
Japanese cooking wine, optional

1. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan, sauté onion till aroma.
2. Add chicken, stir fry for 1-2mins.
3. Add in pepper, cucumber, carrot, mix well with chicken and sauté for a while.
4. Add in chopped Kimchi and cooked rice, stir fry to mix well
5. Add in seasonings, stir fry to mix well. Last sprinkle some Japanese cooking wine, combine well. Dish out and serve immediately with a sunny side-up egg, Enjoy!!

Wishing all who celebrates, a very Happy Thanksgiving day and Happy Holidays!! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to make buttermilk and butter

While i google for the correct proportion of milk and lemon as to subsitute buttermilk for making key lime cupcakes. I got this result of how to make buttermilk..because i was searched wrongly by typing "how to make" instead of "what to subsitute"..Anyway, is good to have this result on how to make buttermilk as I still have a bottle of whipping cream in the fridge..

It was fun to make buttermilk and butter at home, like magic show..

1) Put 1 cup of dairy whipping cream / heavy cream in a empty bottle or jar (i was using the re-use Tauchew bottle).. Start shaking the jar back and forth. After several minutes, the cream will thicken and turn into whipped cream. So next time if you need a small portion of whipped cream, to serve with scones, pancakes, cupcake & etc, just follow this way rather than take out the big mixer to beat. Quick and fast..

Homemade buttermilk and butter

2) Keep shaking until the whipped cream (quite heavy at this time) is replaced with a yellow glob (butter) and a separate liquid (buttermilk). I got buttermilk around 5tbsp and about 80g butter.

Homemade buttermilk and butter

3) Pour/Sift the buttermilk out of the jar, and use it in any recipe that calls for buttermilk. If you need small amount of buttermilk in the baking, this should be the faster way instead of buying a big bottle.
To Use the Butter: Knead it under cold water for a couple minutes to remove any remaining buttermilk (it will spoil very quickly, if you don't). Then, salt (if desired), and store in the refrigerator until you're ready to use it.

Homemade buttermilk and butter

Happy Baking !!


Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13

This is my 1st time join Bake Along which is organized by Kitchen Flavours,Frozen Wings and Bake For Happy Kids.Now they also welcome other bloggers to join this event. Actually i just done this cupcakes few hours ago. I supposed to make this cupcake yesterday but i was having migraine and no mood to do any baking yesterday..

Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13

I like this event, it is kind of fun to bake along with other bloggers who has the same passion in baking..
I have yet to make any cupcakes with frosting in this Aspiring Baker month, this recipe just come at the right time. Love the key lime cream cheese frosting in this recipe, but need to reduce the sugar amount as we found the cupcake is way too sweet for our tastebud.

Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13

Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13

Since i posted a bit late, so i just copy Frozen Wings' recipe (Thanks Lena) which already halved and i made minor changes..
Also my first time did buttermilk and butter at home, will share the recipe in my next post.

Key Lime Cupcakes
Recipe ( from Bon Appetit Desserts or here )
** makes 6 cupcakes

Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13 62gm cake flour
47gm self raising flour
56gm unsalted butter, room temperature
140gm sugar
1 large egg
1 1/4 tbsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tbsp finely grated lime peel
2 and 1/2tbsp buttermilk (I use homemade buttermilk)
a drop of green food colouring
92gm powdered sugar
100gm cream cheese, room temperature
56gm butter (I use homemade butter)
1 tbsp finely grated lime peel
1/4 tsp vanilla extract (I omitted)

Method for frosting: Using an electric mixer, beat all ingredients in medium bowl until smooth.

Method for cupcakes:
1. Preheat oven to 175C. Line a 6 standard muffin cups with paper liners. Whisk both flour in medium bowl to blend.
2. Using electric mixer, beat butter in large bowl until smooth. Add sugar, beat to blend. Beat in eggs, then lime juice, lime peel and food colouring. ( batter may be curdled). Beat in flour mixture in 2 additions alternately with buttermilk. Spoon batter into each liner.
3. Bake cupcakes until tester inserted into center comes out clean, 20-25 minutes. Cool 10 minutes in pan. Remove cupcakes from pan, cool completely. Pipe frosting on each of the cupcake, sprinkle grated lime peel on top.

To view this cupcake baked by other bakers, please visit to Kitchen Flavours ( i still don't know how to add linky here). For the next Bake-Along, the theme is "Pancakes and Crepes". Whip out your best pancakes or crepes, treat your family and friends with some delicious homemade pancakes or crepes and share that with us on 08/12.

Key Lime Cupcake : Free and Easy Bake-Along #13

I also submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) which hosted by Min of Min's Blog.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cranberry Cream Cheese Soft Buns

When i saw Shirely Kokken69 shared this Barcook's popular out-of-the-oven-this-minute-gone-next Raisin/Cranberry Cream Cheese bun, i was curious how the taste as i never eaten this famous bun before. After few days, while i fetching my kids from tuition class, we dropped by this famous bakery shop nearby the tuition centre(as i always saw a lot of peoples inside this bakery shop, so i supposed this shop is popular among the local). While i went through what to buy, i spot this cranberry cream cheese bun and it remind me Shirley Kokken69's post, immediately i buy one and try out. I immediate fall in love with this bun, it was so yummy, soft and fluffy bun , and i also love the cream cheese filling, simply yummy. The shape of this bun is like normal round bun and it look difference from Barcook's bun which is flat bun.

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

I immediately try out Shirley's recipe to see her recipe is close to the bun which i tasted. But i realized that the cream cheese filling shared by Shirley was totally difference from what i tasted. Her cream cheese filling is more on custard taste and look yellow..but that filling i tasted was totally cream cheese taste and look pale in colour. This the bun that using Shirley's recipe..

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

This is the bun that i bought from bakery shop.....pale in colour, light and fluffy..

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

but the next day turned quite oily and sticky..not as nice as taken the same day..i guess their recipe adding too much of butter/oil..

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

I did not give up, try again with another batch with my own creation of cream cheese filling (i was tried hard to recall the taste)..and I was so happy that the my creation of cream cheese filling was almost the same taste as that one i bought. And i also adjust the oven temperature and bake at lower rack as the bun i bought was pale in colour unlike the normal bun with egg wash and look golden brown.
This is how my cranberry cream cheese look like...

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Before baking...

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

I adapted the sweet bread dough recipe from the "magic bread" cookbook by Alex Goh. I like his gelatinezed dough method which simply mix flour and hot boiling water and keep till the next day (i was kept it for 48hrs). I find that his bread making method is good, resulted a soft and springy bun, and  also remains very soft on the 2nd day . Also do not over add the dried cranberries and raisin, few pieces are enough.

Cranberry Cream Cheese Soft Buns
(recipe source: basic sweet bread dough adapted from Magic Bread cookbook by Alex Goh, cream cheese filling by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 12 buns (3” round paper liners)

Cranberry Cream Cheese BunsGelatinised dough
100g bread flour
70g hot boiling water

1. Place flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Add hot boiling water and mix with wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
3. Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for at least 12 hour, and up to 48 hours.

To prepare Basic sweet bread dough
1 quantity of above gelatinised dough
300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
20g milk powder
1 tbsp instant yeast
½ tsp salt
175g cold water
1 cold grade A egg
60g cold butter, cubed

1. Combine flours, sugar, milk powder, yeast and salt together in a mixing bowl.
2. Tear the gelatinized dough into pieces and add to the bowl along with the eggs
3. Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, adding cold water gradually.
4. Mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
6. Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.


160g cream cheese
40g sugar
- Beat cream cheese and sugar till creamy and light, set aside. If not using immediately, keep it in the fridge.

Dried cranberries, 48pcs (4pcs per bun), soaked in water for 30mins to soften
Raisins, 24pcs (2pcs per bun), soaked in water for 30mins to soften

To make bun
1. Divide bread dough into 12 portions (75g each) and shape to ball, rest for 10mins.
2. Spread the cream cheese filling (appx.1tbsp), sprinkle cranberries and raisins on top (do not put too many), seal the dough, place on the paper cup, set aside to rest for 40mins.
3. Don't need to apply egg wash. Bake at pre-heated 160c for 25mins at lower rack / 3rd lower rack.

Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

I wish to try out Barcook's popular bun one day as to compare the taste..I going to bake this bun again and again, and next time i going to try out flat bun shape like Barcook's bun..

Happy Baking !!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Angry Birds Fondant Cupcakes class at Cake Connection Malaysia 翻糖愤怒鸟杯子蛋糕

After i attended my 1st fondant class on Thur, now i understand why the price of fondant cupcake is so high...I spent 4 hours (no eating, no drinkimg and not go to restroom) only finished 6 Angry Birds Fondant Cupcakes!! Actually making fondant is not that difficult, but it is very time consuming..
Anyway, I was so happy to attend this AB fondant cupcake class at Cake Connection Malaysia which specially conduct for bloggers. At least now i know how to make a proper fondant cupcake..

These are Angry Birds fondant cupcakes that made by the instructor Nancy. They are so perfect and beautiful!!

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And also these..AB fondant cake pops, look so pretty!

Picnik collage

Earlier i thought i made a proper fondant cupcake (see my 1st fondant cupcakes here). After attended this class, I realized that bakers usually use fondant for covering cakes and making large decorations. Instead they use Gum Paste for smaller, more intricate decorations like flowers, 2D& 3D figures, animals and etc..

What is Gum Paste? Gum paste is allowing more time to work before the creation hardens. It dries fairly rigid. Gum Paste is very soft and elastic and it can be rolled out very thin.

How to make gum paste? It is easy, just add a small spoon of CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose Gum) with fondant.

gum paste

Please check below detail steps that I spent two hours to prepare it. ^-^ Thanks ya.

**Nancy showed us how to add flavouring and colour to the gum paste

Picnik collage

** if you want to work with large gum paste and to get smooth colour. You should start with a small piece of plain gum paste and incorporate the colour, then only add into bigger piece of plain gum paste and knead together.

Picnik collage

** use buttercream to cover those uneven surface of cupcake

Picnik collage

** cut gum paste into round and place on the cupcake. Let it up side down for a while, this is to harden the gum paste..

Picnik collage

** Ok, let me show you how instructor Nancy shaping a 2D white bird figurine..

-making the face
Picnik collage

-making the chin
Picnik collage

- making the eyes
Picnik collage

-making the eyebrows, hair and beak
Picnik collage

Picnik collage

** after 2D white bird figurine, Nancy taught us the 3D green pig figurine. This time seem more easy as we already know the basic of shaping of face, eyes, ears, chin, eyebrow and hair. Just shape green gum paste to ball, and add other parts. How to stay hold the green pig on thecupcake, just apply little edible glue and insert a small piece of spaghetti, then insert the green pig.

Picnik collage

These are 6 Angry Birds cupcakes that made by me after 4 hours of hardwork!

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Am i look angry?

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After coming home, I take 6 individual portraits of these Angry Birds fondant cupcakes.

red bird- look not that angry huh ^^

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Am i look more like a dog than pig, hahaha!

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This is not so bad..quite angry..

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2D white bird

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2D red bird. My little son Desmond like this the most

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For all six birds, i would say i did this quite close the yellow bird, and look really angry !! takut lar...^^

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Let me show you how bloggers in action, taking picture and picture..Quay Po and Ivy still doing her final touch up..hehehe..

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If you love to make fondant or gum paste cupcake or cake, i would advise you to take few hands-on classes. In Cake Connection Malaysia, they will give you very clear and precise instuction (like the example i shown you above). And they also will caution us to pay attention to details and good tips when we work with fondant in order to get impressive figurines(like the above tips that i share with you). Below are December classes that will be held at Cake Connection:-

~ December Classes ~

Hi everyone,

Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas is just around the corner and its a great time of celebration and festivities. We know you'll be in the mood for baking and decorating and we have lined up a great selection of classes just for the holiday season. Come learn how to make a festive Gingerbread house, a delectable

Box of Chocolate cake with truffles or a great Christmas Fruitcake in our Christmas Desserts class. We also have 2 NEW cake pops class - Christmas Cake Pops and everyone's favourite birds and pigs - Angry Birds Cake Pops! Don't forget to send your kids to our Animal Planet cupcakes decorating class - a class just for kids. We also have our 4 Day Comprehensive Class for anyone wanting to begin their cake decorating journey. Check out our schedule below for all the details.

December Classes Date Day Time Class Fees (RM)


~ NEW ~ Gingerbread House Hands On Dec 3rd Sat 2:00pm - 5:30pm RM200.00

Dec 23rd Friday 10:30am - 2:00pm

~ NEW ~ Christmas Cake Pops Hands On Dec 10th Sat 2:30pm - 5:30pm RM160.00

Fun with Cookies ~ Christmas Cookies ~ Hands On Dec 17th Sat 10:00am - 12:30pm RM120.00

~ NEW ~ Box of Chocolates

(Choc Cake with Truffles) Hands On Dec 17th Sat 1:30pm - 5:00pm RM250.00

Flowers Jellycakes Hands On Dec 20th Tues 2:00pm - 5:00pm RM160.00

Chocolate Cupcakes Hands On Dec 22nd Thurs 2:00pm - 5:00pm RM150.00

Cupcake Fun 101 Hands On Dec 29th Thurs 2:00pm - 5:00pm RM100.00


~ HOT ~ Christmas Cupcakes Hands On Dec 3rd Sat 10:00am - 1:30pm RM220.00

Dec 13th Tues 10:30am - 2:00pm

World of Roses Hands On Dec 10th Sat 10:00am - 2:00pm RM250.00

Wedding Cake Class (Hands-On) Hands On Dec 16th Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm RM490.00

~ NEW ~ Angry Birds Cake Pops Hands On Dec 21st Wed 2:00pm - 5:30pm RM200.00


~ NEW ~ Christmas Treats Demo Dec 15th Thurs 1:00pm - 6:00pm RM250.00


~ NEW ~ Animal Planet cupcakes class Hands On Dec 1st Thurs 2:00pm - 4:30pm RM100.00


~ HOT ~ 4 Day Comprehensive Class Hands On Dec 6th - Dec 9th Tues to

Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm RM2,350.00


Christmas Cupcakes - Learn how to make some amazing Christmas Cupcakes this year. Join us as we make 6 amazing Christmas themed cupcakes. Check out

Gingerbread House - Nothing makes a more impressive centrepiece this Christmas than a home made Gingerbread house. Learn how to make your very own Gingerbread house. For details, see

Christmas Cake Pops - Make some adorable Christmas themed Cake Pops this year. Turn on your creative juice and make these super cute treats. See

Christmas Treats - Learn to make scrumptious cakes and treats this year in this great class for all baking enthusiasts from an award winning pastry chef. For details, see

Christmas Cookies - Learn to make yummy sugar cookies and decorate them with royal icing in fun Christmas themes. Check out


Animal Planet (A Kids Class ) - Explore some friendly animals this school holidays with this Animal Planet class just for kids. This great cupcakes decoration class will let your child create their very own little animals. For details, see

Angry Birds Cake Pops - Come join the Angry Birds craze and make these super cute Angry Birds themed cake pops. See

Box of Chocolates - Create your own assortment of chocolate truffles presented as a box of chocolate made from cake. A chocoholics dream class. For details see,


4 Day Comprehensive Course - This course will teach you the basic skills and techniques required to begin your cake decorating journey. This 4 day hands-on course will cover a vast array of cake basics, cake decorating topics and icing mediums. Check out



Cupcake Fun 101 - This is an introduction class to cupcakes. We will cover the basics of baking a scrumptious vanilla cupcake and decorate them with basic icing techniques. For details see,

Chocolate Cupcakes - Chocolates and cupcakes are a great combination. Learn the best of these worlds in this popular class. See

Flowers Jellycakes - Learn how to make tasty jellycakes and make various flowers out of jelly. For more details, see

Wedding Class (Hands-on) - This is a great class for anyone wanting to learn how to make wedding cakes. Come learn all the tips and techniques from a wedding cake maker herself. Please see

World of Roses - In this class, you will be taught how to make various kinds of gumpaste roses to further enhance your decorating skills. For details, please see

To register for any of these classes, please drop us an email to or call us at +6 03 7956 4450. We hope to see you soon!

Warm Regards
Nancy & Shyamala

You can also find a lot of baking items at Cake Connection.

Picnik collage

Cake Connection Sdn Bhd
D-11-1, Block D, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan University. Section 13. 46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor. MALAYSIA
Phone number : + 6 03 : 7956 4450
Fax number : + 6 03 : 7956 4450

Hours of operations are :
Monday - Friday : 9am to 6:00pm
Saturday : 9am to 5pm
Sunday & Public Holidays : Closed


More good news, Nancy is so kind and allow me to share with my readers for the chocolate cupcake recipe that use to make these AB cupcakes. My kids just love this chocolate cupcake, very rich chocolate, moist and soft. Thank you Nancy!

Chocolate Cupcake
(recipe source: Cake Connection Malaysia)
*makes 15 cupcakes

60g cocoa powder
90g all-purpose flour
1/2tsp baking powder
1/4tsp salt
170g unsalted butter, room temperature
200g sugar
3 large eggs
1tsp vanilla extract
1/2cup sour cream (you may replace it with yogurt, but try not to change it)

1. Preheat oven to 180 c. Line 12-cup standard muffin tin with paper liners
2. Into a medium bowl, sift together cocoa, flour, baking powder, and salt and set aside.
3. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each, then beat in vanilla.
4. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture in two batches, alternating with sour cream and beginning with flour.
5. Pour batter into cups, filling each ¾ full. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in centres comes out clean.
6. Cool in pan 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

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I was so happy to see bloggers that i know long time but never meet them in person Zurin of Cherry on Cake and Ivy of My Story. And also meet two new bloggers Chris of Pureglutton and Tomoko of Caramel Factory. As for Joslynn of Petite Nyonya and Veron of Quay Po Cooks, nice meeting with both of you again. It was a great pleasure to meet all of you.

Also Thank you to Nancy and Shyamala from Cake Connection for this invitation. Especially to Nancy for your kind sharing, I learnt a lot from you.

I also submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) which hosted by Min of Min's Blog.

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