Friday, December 30, 2011

My favourites 2011 , and Happy New Year 2012

Just thinking to do a short recap/review of what i have cooked/ baked for the past one year in 2011 before New Year 2012 knock our door tomorrow. This recap is based on what my family's favourite food. Actually there are too many of our favourites, i have hard time to choose which post to include in this post..First thinking to choose only 10 favourite posts but it ended up with 15 favourite posts, hehehe..
And looking back through my posts for past one year, and i know why every of my New Year resolution to get slimmer never happen, look at all food that i have prepared and eaten, hahaha...
Thank you to all who dropping by my blog, you have motivating me to continue striving for greatness in the kitchen!

** this is the place that i do my blogging **

My Favourites 2011, enjoy !!

Vietnamese Spicy Lemongrass Chicken

Cotton cheesecake with blueberries filling


Minced meat & baked bean with rice

Spongy Banana Cake

Egg tart with frozen puff pastry

Kung Pao Chicken宫保鸡丁

Choux with durian cream

Spiral Curry Puff

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Shanghai Jiaozi (Dumplings) 饺子


Korean Kimchi fried rice

Easy French Bread

Banana and Chocolate rice cupcakes

Wishing all a blessed New Year 2012 !!

Homemade salted eggs 鹹蛋

Today we enjoyed our lunch with the salted eggs that i made for the first time. Before i share with you this recipe, first let me introduce you the owner of this recipe, she is Yan with her blog "Simple Menu". She is one of my blogger friend that i keep in touch almost daily (we chat thru MSN). I encouraged her to create this blog as she always preparing simple dishes since she is staying alone. She has another blog called "Bakeling" which she is sharing maily on photography...i also learnt photography tips from her too.

Picnik collage

I getting the "kampung" type of duck eggs from this type of stall that only selling all kind of eggs..fresh eggs, preserved eggs & etc..

Homemade Salted eggs

The owner of the shop told me to use those duck eggs with slightly green shell as it has better aroma..

Homemade salted eggs

Very simple to make, just need patience to wait!

Homemade salted eggs

fill eggs in the jar till full, do not leave empty space in the jar, otherwise eggs will be floating on the top..
Homemade salted eggs

My son Lucas helped me to mark the date and put a cute duck sticker ^_^ ! So today is the best day to enjoy this homemade salted eggs which need 14days to get the right saltiness..

Homemade salted eggs

Next time i will try to reduce the salt amount as I found not all salt could be dissolved.

Homemade salted eggs

Homemade Salted eggs

This is our yummy lunch today...salted egg is best to serve with a bowl of plain porridge/congee..

Homemade Salted eggs

Please visit to "Simple Menu" and give your support to Yan to encourage her to share more simple dishes with us, Thank you..

Homemade Salted eggs
(recipe source : adapted from Yan of Simple Menu)

Homemade salted eggs15 duck eggs
400g coarse salt
1litre water

1. Wash and clean duck eggs under running water by rubbing with a piece of cloth and immediately rub it dry (Do not soak the eggs in water).
2. Cook salt and water till boiled, stir from time to time, cook till salt dissolved as much as possible, set aside to cool. Take out the salt water.
3. Place duck eggs in a clean glass jar, add in salt water. Close the lid and mark the date.
4. Store in room temperature for 14 days.
5. Boil salted eggs for 10mins before serving.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Beside cari makan (food hunting) in Penang, we also dropped by Tropical Spice Garden, Southeast Asia's One and Only Award-winning Spice Garden..

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

First time see a giant pandan leaves (screwpine leaf) and it is taller than us..

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

my kids were enjoyed swinging on this giant swing...

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Lets start the walk into this garden..

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

We were told this serai wangi can effectively chase away mosquito, it is difference from the normal lemongrass that we use to cook..

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

After half an hour of walk, we went to the "Tree Monkey restaurant" in this garden and enjoyed a cool fruit drink and eating a mouth-watering Thai fish cake (i made this before, my recipe here)..we love the natural surrounding of jungle trees, fresh air and awesome bay views of the Andaman sea.

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

I went home without empty hands, bought these gifts from the gift shop..I especially like the brass net, nice to use when we having steamboat..

Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Find out more in here-Tropical Spice Garden Penang

Tropical Spice Garden

Lone Crag Villa, Lot 595 Mukim 2,

Jalan Teluk Bahang,

11100 Penang, Malaysia.

Telephone: 604 - 881 1797

Facsimile: 604 - 881 3794

Email :
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