Monday, February 13, 2012

Nyonya Pai Tee (Top Hats)

The other day i saw a Malay makcik (auntie) bought this Pai Tee mould while i do some shopping at the usual bakery ingredients shop nearby my place. As usual, I kepoh (busy people) asked her how to make the Pai Tee case, and she told me is easy to make with just few ingredients. So i also bought one and with full confidence that i can make this but this was not the case ! FYI, Pai Tee is a popular Nyonya's snack, a cripsy case that made of flour and fill up with savoury vegetables.

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee brass mould

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

It took me 7 attempted only i managed to get one right recipe that has cripsy and crunchy case, also easy to remove from the mould..The Malay makcik only told me to add rice flour, corn flour, water and egg but did not tell me the exact measurement as she only agak-agak (estimated) the ingredients. I know there is some ready recipe out there or by adding some substance like "air kapur " to get crispy case. But i am a stubborn person and like to experience myself, and learn from the mistakes! This is also the way that i can improve.

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Deep frying the case..

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

I consider this is the perfect case !

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

But i also got some not perfect cases, with hole or out of shape, ^_^

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Here is my best recipe, but still not a perfect recipe and i will still continue searching for a perfect one and will share with you.
For the deep frying process, there are some details that quite difficult for me to describe, example like det andermine the right amount of the batter to coat on the mould in order not to get a case with hole or etc. You need to try yourself then only you know it!

Happy Trying !!

Pai Tee (Top Hats)
(recipe source: hard work from Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes aroud 50-60pcs

Pai Tee (Top Hats)25g dried shrimps, soaked for 5mins and chopped
900g yam bean/jicama, julienned
1 carrot, julienned
2 sprig of spring onion, chopped
1tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp light soy sauce
A dash of pepper
4tbsp cooking oil

1. Heat oil in a wok, sauté dried shrimps till fragrant.
2. Add in jicama and carrot, stir to combine.
3. Add in light soy sauce, salt and pepper, continue to stir till dry (about 15mins).
4. Add in spring onion, combine well and dish out.

Pai Tee Cases
100g corn flour
60g rice flour
60g plain flour
180g-190g water
50g egg
A pinch of salt
1/2tsp sugar

Oil for deep frying

1. Mix corn flour, rice flour, plain flour, salt, sugar and egg in a mixing bowl.
2. Slowly add in water, stir and mix till runny and smooth batter.
3. Heat oil in a pot or wok with the mould in the oil. Do not overheat the mould.
4. Dip the heated mould in the batter and coat a thin and even batter (do not fully dip the mould with batter, about 90% full is ok), deep fry the batter. (** Pour batter in a tall jar/cup for easy to dip batter)
5. Wait for few seconds, use chopstick to remove the case and continue deep fry till light golden brown. Set aside to cool before serve.

To serve- fill the cases with the filling, garnish with spring onion, and serve with chili dipping sauce

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

I also would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day, have a fun & romantic day with your loved one.


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