Monday, April 30, 2012

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

This morning, i just realized that i have a small piece of pumpkin (only cost me RM 1) still sitting inside the fridge and I think already there for more than a week. Sometime i just buy things and planning to make something, but the end i was attracted by other recipes and totally forgot about it, hehehe..Since i have quite long did not bake a chiffon, so i added this pumpkin in this chiffon and resulted a very moist and soft chiffon, also like the natural golden colour..In fact, this small piece of pumpkin can turn into 3 chiffons...

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
**makes a 20cm chiffon

4 egg yolks
Pumpkin Chiffon Cake 20g sugar
50g corn oil
10g water
70g self raising flour
75g pumpkin puree( steamed pumpkin and process till fine)

4 egg whites
70g sugar

10g pumpkin seeds

1. Hand whisk egg yolks and sugar till pale.
2. Add in corn oil, water, and pumpkin puree, mix well.
3. Add in flour and combine well, set aside.
4. Beat egg whites over high speed till foamy (1min for KA mixer at speed 8).
5. Slowly add in sugar, beat till soft peak form (2mins for KA mixer at speed 6).
6. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till light.
7. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.
8. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on the bottom of cake pan. Pour cake mixture into baking pan and bake at pre-heated oven at 160c for 40min or adjust to your oven as every oven is difference. Inverted the cake pan and remove cake once it is cool completely.
Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

Earlier i told you i bought a cheap cake stand from Bangkok, i only use it once and it has broken into two pieces, and further the big plate also broken into pieces, only left with the stand..sob sob ..
Anyway, I save the stand and turn it into another new cake stand as I just bought a cheap plate from Tesco and stick it together, look not bad right this new cake stand, hahaha..

*** Happy Labour Day and Happy Holiday ***

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Homemade Croutons ( Oven-baked )

I like to eat Caesar salad, it is quite expensive to take a plate of Caesar salad at the restaurant..I went through my cookbook and realized that it is so easy to make it at home..But before i can make Caesar salad, first i need to prepare Croutons (small piece of sauteed or rebake bread)..


There are two method to make croutons, either pan fry or oven bake..I tried both ways, and we prefer oven baked croutons, more crunchy than pan fry version..and easy to prepare..


The steps..





My son taking this crouton like taking potato chips, non-stop eating!!!

I prepared this Bento and bring it to school for kids, Caesar salad and Croquette (will share recipe later).


Homemade Croutons ( Oven-baked version)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 slices white bread
croutons 20g butter (salted), melted
A pinch of salt

1. Use a scissor, trim the crusts off, cut into even- sized small cubes (can get about 50 small cubes).
2. Spread melted butter on a baking pan, add in bread cubes, sprinkle salt and lightly toss it well.
3. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180C for 5-8mins, remove the pan from oven, lightly toss the bread, continue to bake for another 5-8mins.
4. Let it cool completely, store in air-tight container for later consume.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chinese steamed prawns with egg white

Seeing my blogger friend Wendy (Table for two or more) this week post about prawn related dishes..I also like to share with you this steamed prawn with egg white..the additional of egg white make the sauce taste silky and smooth..

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This steam prawn recipe is very simple, just make sure not over steam the prawn..steam for 5mins just perfect! and also add egg white at the last one minute.

Chinese steamed prawns with egg white
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

350g sea water large prawns, washed and trimmed.
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2tbsp sesame oil
1” ginger, shredded

1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1/4tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine

3 egg white , do not stir

Chopped parsley and julienned red chili, for garnishing

1. Arrange prawns on a steaming plate.
2. Heat sesame oil in a wok or pan, and add in ginger, sauté till aroma, garnish on top of the prawns.
3. Add in all seasonings, steam over high heat for 4mins (only start to steam when water is boiled).
4. Pour in egg white, continue steam for another 1 min.
5. Garnish with chopped parsley and red chili, serve hot.

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This was the Birthday cake that i made for my sister's Birthday last week.. Strawberry mousse cake and Hokkaido chiffon cake..These two cakes were well received by all my family members..

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

When this coconut bread was baking inside the oven, my whole kitchen was full of nice coconut aromatic !!

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

make coconut balls then wrap with bread dough

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

 if you like coconut bread, don't miss to try this out, you will love it!!

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包
(recipe source: adapted from Magic Bread cookbook with minor changes)

Gelatinized dough
Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包 100g bread flour
70ml hot boiling water

1. Place flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Add hot boiling water and mix with wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
3. Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour, and up to 48 hours.

To prepare Basic sweet bread dough

1 quantity of gelatinized dough
300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
20g milk powder
1 tbsp instant yeast
½ tsp salt
175ml cold water
1 cold egg
60g cold butter, cubed

1. Combine flours, sugar, milk powder, yeast and salt together in a mixing bowl.
2. Tear the gelatinized dough into pieces and add to the bowl along with the eggs
3. Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, adding cold water gradually.
4. Mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
6. Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.

To prepare Plaited coconut bread

1 quantity of basic sweet bread dough
70g butter
120g sugar
1 egg
1tsp pandan paste (I use homemade pandan paste), optional
A drop of green food colouring
110g desiccated coconut
50g milk powder

1. Cream butter and sugar until light. Add in egg , pandan paste, green colouring, mix well.
2. Add in desiccated coconut and milk powder, combine well. Shape it into balls, weight 35g each and refrigerated till it is firmed.
3. Divide sweet bread dough into 70g each and shape it round. Let rest for another 10mins.
4. Wrap coconut balls into dough, flatten the dough then roll it up like Swiss roll. Place it onto greased pan, make 7-8 cuts by using sharp scissors.
5. Twist the cut section one to left and another to the right, until is done. Let it proof for 45mins.
6. Egg wash and place in the middle shelve of the oven. Bake at 180c for 12-15mins.

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Friday, April 20, 2012

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

If you are 1st time visit Melbourne and on the free and easy trip, i would suggest you first to visit Federation Square and take a free ride of City Circle Tram...

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

We took this tram to visit to city center. We took quite a while to understand how to purchase the ticket and route. But it was fun as we have the opportunity to experience life in another culture.

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia


Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

There is no way we can sitting in outdoor like them in our hot weather here..just envy them..

How cool to see all these students learning photography with their cameras..

Few variaties of Churros..see my homamde churros here.

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

We went to Visitor centre to get some tourist information

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

City Circle Tram-Free transportation around the city..we took about 1 hour to finish the whole city route

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Inside the tram

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Buildings along the route

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia

Federation Square, City Circle Tram, Melbourne Australia
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