Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

After seeing the Anncoo's announcement about stop blogging temporarily due to her health problem, I feel sad and down. I tried to call her twice but unfortunately there was no answer..I really hope that she will get speedy recovery and able to post again. From this, i start to think that i should also slow down my pace on blogging, sometime blogging takes too much of my time for cooking/baking, taking pictures, download pictures, prepare recipes and post it..sometime my shoulder is pain and tough! Thus, from now on, I would not like to set a standard schedule for posting, when I feel like to post then i will post it..this is my new resolution..

Back to today post, just like to share with you this traditional steamed 9 layers cake, one of our favourite kueh.

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

Eventhough making this kueh is not that tough, but one still need to take note some small tips..Let's look at my 1st attempted, some of the layers was undercooked, and thought if I prolonged my steaming time of the final layer, it should be cooked through. But I was wrong, the uncooked layer was not well cooked even I have increased the steaming time..So you have to make sure that every layer is cooked then continue to pour the next layer of mixture onto the existing layer

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

You need little patience to wait and steam each layer, try to use a timer to set the timing for each layer...

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

When i saw 安琪玲の天空 posted this recipe, I immeidately bookmarked.. But i adjust the recipe according to my preference..i prefer slightly firm texture which i can tear layer by layer and enjoy it!

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕
(recipe source: basic recipe adapted from 安琪玲の天空, and adjust to my own preference)

400ml water
Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕 70g coarse sugar
5 pandan leaves, knotted
400ml coconut milk ( squeeze half old coconut with water)

180g rice flour
120g tapioca flour

Red food colouring
Lime yellow food colouring


1. Boil water, sugar, pandan leaves and coconut milk until sugar dissolved. Discard pandan leaves and set aside to cool completely.
2. Add in rice flour and tapioca flour, stir to mix well. Strain the batter.
3. Grease a 7" steam pan with a little oil. Place the pan in a steamer and steam until hot.
4. Divide batter into 2 portions, around 126g for each layer, 4 layer with plain batter (original white) and 5 layers of red batter (add red food colouring into plain batter to become red layer).
5. Pour 1st layer with red batter into steam pan, and steam for 3mins over medium high heat.
6. Pour 2nd layer with white batter into steam pan, and steam for 3mins.
7. Repeat until all 8 layers set. Add a drop of lime yellow food colouring to let red batter to become dark orange batter and steam for 15mins.
8. Leave the kueh to cool completely (take about 6 hours) at room temperature before cutting (use a plastic knife to cut).


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