Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lemon bundt cake

Lemon butter cake

Today there will be no new recipe sharing, just like to show you that I baked a lemon butter cake which is my sister's favourite cake using the new bundt pan i bought recently.

Lemon butter cake

I'm glad to see the good result of this new bundt pan..

Lemon butter cake

Please find the recipe here.

Lemon butter cake

Just like to share these photos with you. I captured this grasshoppers photo in a lovely evening when we were chatting in our garden. I have not seen grasshoppers mating ( mereka dua tengah buat big project,hehehe) and also see them so close...Enjoy these photos !

grasshoppers mating

grasshoppers mating

grasshoppers mating

grasshoppers mating


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