Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Helena told me to drop by this little Hopetoun tea rooms if i have time during my visit to Melbourne Australia on last week. Actually I have plenty of time and in fact I went to this tea room 3 times...Due to long queue, i managed to take away a piece of cheese cake on my 3rd visit...

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Since i was not in the rush, i took picture of almost all cakes displayed on the shelf, have a look of all these tempting cakes...from these pictures, you can also have some ideas on how to decorate your homemade cakes next time..

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

I bought a piece of Raspberry Pistachio cheesecake (AUD 9.80, RM 31 each, very expensive!!) as Helena also told me to try this Hibiscus in syrup, actually locally we called this flower as Roselle 洛神花.

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

Frankly, this cheese cake is nothing to shout out, an ordinary cheesecake with a thin layer of raspberry jelly on top and some roasted pistachio on the side. The only special thing in this cheesecake is the syrup Roselle flower, sweet and slightly crunchy, i think this is quite easy to make it at home too..i found a recipe here.

Hopetoun tea rooms, Melbourne Australia

We were enjoyed this piece of cheesecake at this beautiful garden and the weather just simply beautiful, cool and refreshing (beginning of Autumn)!



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