Monday, August 6, 2012

Orange Almond Butter Cake with Honey Almond Crust

Last weekend i brought this cake balik kampung (go back hometown), because my mother is a big fan of butter cake..At first, i tried with a small slim loaf pan for my family, my husband finished almost half of the loaf, he said the Honey almond crust is a winning point for this cake, so fragrant and sweet.

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I made a bigger size for my mom. She was truly enjoyed this cake..She even said she would like to share it with her friends..

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I re-created this recipe using my old fashioned butter cake recipe, because i love this butter cake as it will not crack after baked, so i can easily spread the honey almond mixture on top which i adapted from Alan's Moroccon Mint and Pistachio Tea cake.
Personally i feel this cake a bit oily, but my mom and husband were not agreed, they said butter cake should taste this way..So every person has difference preference..

Orange Almond Butter cake with Honey Almond Crust
(Recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover, crust recipe adapted from Alan (Travelling foodies)
*makes a 8” square pan with removable bottom

For the orange almond butter cake
227g unsalted butter
90g sugar
5 egg yolks (medium)
130g cake flour
100g almond meal or almond flour
1tsp double action baking powder
5tbsp orange juices
1tsp orange zest, 1/4tsp salt

5 egg whites (medium)
90g sugar

For the honey almond crust
90g almond slices
50g honey
30g butter

1. Sift cake flour and baking powder, set aside.
2. Place the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat until light and creamy.

3. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition.


4. Add in almond flour, salt and orange rind, mix well.


5. Add in cake flour, baking powder and orange juices, combine well.


6. Beat egg whites in a clean large bowl until foamy. Gradually add in sugar, and beat till soft peak.



7. Take one portion of the egg white mixture, and use a hand whisk to stir well with batter till combine and thick paste.


8. Slowly fold in the balance egg white with a spatula till well combine


9. Spoon the batter in the cake pan which line the base with paper and lightly grease.

10. Bake at preheated oven at 180c for 45mins or until cooked.

11. To prepare honey and almond crust topping, add butter, honey and almond slices into a shallow saucepan. Heat to melt the butter and honey, ensuring that the almond slices are well-coated with the honey-butter mixture.

12. Top with the honey almond crust mixture evenly over the cake and return the cake to the oven at 180C until the almond are roasted to a lovely golden brown, which takes approx. 8 min.


13. Wait for the cake to cool down before slicing.

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