Friday, November 30, 2012

Taste the good life with OZGANICS

Thanks to Veron ( Quay Po Cooks) for extending the invitation of a cooking demo that was featured as "Celebrating with Organics this Christmas Season by Ozganics founder Anni Brownjohs to me. It was held in the Pantry at Jaya Grocers Empire Subang. I also brought my daughter along and now she is becomimg my blog's assisstant ^_^.
After attended this organics cooking demo, i just realized that we can also prepare a meal that using 100% of organics products, from cooking oil, herbs, spices, meat, vegetables and seasonings. Frankly i have very little knowledge of organic products, i only know organic vegetables and do buy them to cook sometime. I didn't know we can have organic spices and seasonings too to add into our cooking, so we can have completely organic meal..
I find OZGANICS products make cooking of organic foods more simplicity and convenience. We just need to add OZGANICS's range of products like sauce, dressing and marinades into few other organic ingredients, then we can have a completely organic healthy meal at home.

Anni Brownjohns prepared few organics dishes for us , and she also discussed the benefits of eating organics with us.



Chef Ryan Khang was assisting Anni in this cooking demo. The first dish was Thai Pumpkin Soup.





We found this soup was a bit less salty and told by Anni that she did not add salt into this soup. Later we learnt from Anni that salt is not an organic product. Organic products are produce that must grow from soil.. So you know we Asian people like stronger taste, later we request for soy sauce to add into this healthy soup, but of course is organic soy sauce, hahaha..
Below i share with you the Thai Pumpkin Soup recipe:-
Thai Pumpkin Soup

(recipe by OZGANICS)

1tbsp olive oil
1 brown onion, coarsely chopped
1.2kg butternut pumpkin, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped
1 litre (4 cups) chicken or vegetable stock
1 jar OZGANICS Thai Red Curry Simmer Sauce
Squeeze of lime juice
Finely diced coriander for garnish

1. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.
2. Saute onion in oil, stirring, for 5 minutes or until golden.
3. Add pumpkin and stir to coat-saute until slightly browning
4. Add water, simmer for 20mins or until pumpkin is soft
5. Use a stick blender to blend until smooth
6. Stir in OZGANICS Thai Red Curry Simmer Sauce
7. Add lime juice to taste
8. Serve in bowls and top with fresh coriander



Chef Ryan also shared with us Organic Sprouted Multigrain Bread. He was using wheat berries, i was not sure what is wheat berries, after he shown to us and i realized that wheat berries is " Mak Chou" that we usually use to make dessert soup..



Chef Ryan gave this bread good knead..

Shaping the dough


incorporate mixture of good seeds..

Oh, this bread is super good, healthy and nice aroma!! I am going to make this and will share recipe soon..


This bread also perfectly goes well with Morocca chicken with lemon and olives, check the recipe here





It was also served with Quinoa


Again my 1st time tried organic Quinoa (sorry, i very kampung, i am new to a lot of Western foods, hehehe)....Thought this was quite nice with nice bites..

 Yen of Eat Your Heart Out enjoying a piece of nice bread..

Last, Anni prepared watermelon and Feta salad for us..I am glad that i able to taste all great organic foods prepared by great chef like Anni ...



Anni also add these three difference dressing into this salad


Ya, also Thanks to Veron brought for us this yummy homemade puff..

Veron in the class..

Before end of the demo, Anni also shared with us on how to identify a certified organic product



Check out the label, see the logo look like a leaf, this is Australian certified organic food chain...another important point highlighted by Anni was even the product has the certified logo but the logo must carry with serial number..


For those who wants to know more Ozganics range of products, you may want to visit You also could find some nice recipes there..

If you are interested in attending the cooking demonstration and learn some healthy Christmas dishes from Anni, you may contact the Nourish team at 016-2001806 or via email at

Ya, i also like to recommend you to get a bottle of Ozganics Fig spread, it was good to spread on a slice of healthy bread. Sorry i was busy eating and forgot to take the picture, you may hop over to Yen of Eat Your Heart Out to check the picture and also she is going to share a nice recipe soon- roast chicken with Ozganic's honey, soy and garlic marinade, served with a fruity couscous.

I enjoyed this fun and informative afternoon together with few food bloggers, Ping of Ping's Pickings, Shannon of Just As Delish, Yen of Eat Your Heart Out, Veron of QuayPoCooks, and Esther of The Fuss Free Chef, nice meeting with you all !!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Steamed Crabs with Glutinous rice 糯米蟹飯

The other day my sister called me up asking me whether i want 3 kg of fresh crabs, i immediately said sure i want because i don't know where to get fresh crabs from my area. Even the big pasar (wet market) nearby my place, i have never seen peoples selling fresh crabs..
I use half of the crabs cooked with rice vermicilli and canned pork ribs, it was yummy, my mother and sisters enjoyed so much. As for the balance half, i steamed it with glutinious rice for dinner. So total 3kg crabs finished in the same day..Once i have finished cooked dinner, sky already turned dark, so this time i simply took few pictures, no table setting and no beautiful pictures ..


Crab shell with roe

I prepared two types- one type is steamed crabs on top of cooked glutinous rice

Another type, stuffed rice into crab shells


Enjoy cooked rice with crab roe, simply good!

 The taste of freshness from crabs is absorbed into the rice, yum! advise to enjoy them while hot!

Since i was rushing, below recipe just an estimation, you need to adjust accordingly. Next time, i will add little dark caramel sauce into rice as i feel darker rice look more appetize, hehehe..

Steamed Crabs with Glutinous rice 糯米蟹飯
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Savoury steamed glutinous rice
500g glutinous rice, wash and soak for 4hours but not more)
100g rice
5 shallots, peeled & sliced thinly
2 garlics, chopped
40g dried prawns, wash & soaked
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked and cut into cubed
300ml water or more

IMG_2855 copy dark soy sauce
light soy sauce
salt to taste
sugar to taste

1. Heat the oil in a wok and fry the shallot and garlic till aroma.
2. Add in dried prawns and mushroom, stir fry for 1min.
3. Add in the drained glutinous rice, and add in the seasoning. Stirring and mix well for 1 -2 mins.
4. Transfer the rice into a steaming tray, sprinkle water on top of the rice.
5. Steam for 45-60mins ( stir rice for every 20mins, sprinkle some water when necessary).

Steamed crabs with glutinous rice
Cooked glutinous rice
Ginger slices
Spring onion
Chinese wine

Fresh crabs, clean, cut and pat dry

1. Arrange crabs on top of cooked glutinous rice, sprinkle wine over crabs, Or stuffed cooked glutinous rice into crab shells.
2. Arrange ginger slices and spring onion on top of crabs.
3. Steam for 10mins and serve hot.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Macarons with White Chocolate ganache and Raspberry sauce

My daughter has been requesting me to make macarons together ( now she loves macarons and her friends too). Finally i find a peaceful day to make macarons again with my prefer Pierre Herme's recipe (using Italian meringue method).

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my daughter suggested to have white chocolate filling, so i make some raspberry sauce to pair with it. I was try to reduce the sweetness but i still feel they were too sweet for my liking, but my daughter has no problem with it...


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Do you like how i packed them? and probably like to buy them?
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This was how i packed them and my daughter brought some to her friends when they had a good movie (Twilight part 2) together the other day.

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Macarons with White Chocolate ganache and Raspberry sauce
recipe source: adapted from old recipe here, Pierre Herme's recipe

Almond mixture
IMG_3050 copy 100g almond meal
100g icing sugar
38g egg whites
A pinch of salt

38g egg whites (aged egg white)
100g caster sugar
25g water

Raspberry sauce
120g raspberry
50ml water
20g sugar

White chocolate ganache
105g white chocolate
45g dairy whipping cream

Pink food colouring

1. Sift almond meal and icing sugar in a mixing bowl, set aside.
2. Cook sugar and water until it reaches 118C.
3. When the syrup reaches 105C, start beat egg white until medium peaks (I actually started to beat egg white when syrup reaches 90 C because I use hand mixer)
4. When syrup reaches 118C (remove from heat when reaches 116C because the temperature still increase using the remaining heat), pour it into egg whites on low speed.
5. Turn speed to medium high and beat meringue until stiff and glossy. While beating meringue, mix almond mixture with egg white and salt, set aside.
6. Stir 1/3 of meringue into almond mixture, add pink coloring and mix well. Fold the balance meringue.
7. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (non-stick paper).
8. Preheat oven to 150C (fan on), bake for 14-15 minutes on the lower 3rd of oven. Remove from tray (with paper) and let it rest on a rack to cool down. Store in air-tight container before putting the filling
9. Sandwich between two macaron shells with raspberry sauce and white chocolate ganache and store in the fridge before consume.
Raspberry sauce
1. Mix raspberry, water and sugar in a saucepan, cook till thick paste. Set aside to cool.

White chocolate ganache
1. Melt white chocolate over a bowl of simmering water (double boil method).
2. Add in cream, and mix well.
3. Set aside to cool down before pipe on macarons.
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