Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Japanese Avocado and Crab Sticks Pasta 日式鳄梨蟹肉意大利面

The other day I went out with my girl friends for a gang dinner in a Japanese pasta restaurant nearby. We tried many types of Japanese pasta, and this was one of the pasta that i like the most, Avocado and crab sticks pasta with sesame flavored dressing .

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I adapted the sesame flavoured dressing from Nami Just One Cookbook, it was delicious, full of sesame fragrance (something like peanut butter) and mild sour..


Once you get ready the sesame dressing, then it is very easy, just assemble all ingredients together and enjoy! Healthy and good!

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Japanese Avocado and Crab Sticks Pasta
(recipe source: sesame dressing adapted from Nami (Just one cookbook)

Sesame dressing ingredients
4 tbsp white sesame seeds
3 tbsp Japanese mayonnaise
3 tbsp rice vinegar (I use flavoured distilled vinegar)
1 tbsp Japanese soy sauce
1 and ½ tsp caster sugar or to taste
1tsp mirin
A pinch of salt or to taste

300g spaghetti, cooked till al dente
10 crab sticks, steam or re-heat
1 avocado, sliced
some chopped carrot

1. Toast sesame seeds in a frying pan on low heat until golden brown and aroma.
2. Grind the sesame seeds in a spice grinder (don’t grind too fine, keep it a bit coarse gives better texture when eating)
3. Mix sesame dressing seasonings in a mixing bowl, add in grinded sesame seeds, and mix till combine.
4. Mix sesame dressing with cooked spaghetti, garnish crab sticks, avocado slices and chopped carrot on top. Mix everything together and enjoy!!

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