Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby ABC Soup 迷你罗宋汤

The idea of making this Baby ABC soup has been in my mind for quite some time after seeing in Wendy (Table for two or more)'s blog. Today when i was doing my marketing at the Tesco, i saw cocktail potatoes and small red onion from India, immediately i decided to make this soup. The usual ABC soup we made is normal size of ingredients, but this Baby ABC soup is using all mini size of ingredients such as baby carrots, baby corns, baby tomatoes, baby potatoes and baby onions (not shallots)..

If you ask me how is this soup taste, for me, there it not much difference from the ordinary ABC soup, but definitely this soup is more costly lor !! Anyway, it look really cute with all these mini size of ingredients..

Baby ABC Soup

(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

250g baby carrots, washed clean
350g cocktail potatoes, remove skin
300g small red onions (from India), remove skin
300 cherry tomatoes, washed clean
1 small packet of baby corns
½ chicken carcass
400g chicken breast, cut big pieces
3lt water
Salt to taste

1. Boil water in a large pot, once boil, briefly blanch chicken carcass and chicken breast with hot water.
2. Add in chicken, baby carrots and cocktail potatoes, boil over medium heat for 30mins.
3. Add in small red onions, cherry tomatoes and baby corns, continue to boil over low heat for 1hr.
4. Season with salt, serve hot.

    I’m submitting this to Little Thumbs Up co-hosted by Mui Mui@My Little FavouriteDIY & Zoe@Bake for Happy Kids with the theme "Tomato"



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