Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mango Pomelo Sago Dessert 杨枝甘露

After every Pai Tin Kong celebration (CNY day 9) , my mom sure give me one pomelo. Usually i don't buy pomelo because kids don't appreciate this fruit. When i was thinking to make this dessert using the pomelo given by my mom the other day. I saw Jessie also sharing this dessert using so beautiful pinky pomelo. When i was trying to peel this pomelo, I was hoping my pomelo will be look pink like her but i still got the same ordinary plain pomelo, so sad ^_^..

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Mango Pomelo Sago Dessert 杨枝甘露
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

200g mango, diced
IMG_8339 copy 175ml evaporated milk

100g sugar
1 cup hot water

50g sago

For garnish
Pomelo, peeled and pulps are separated
Diced mango
Ice cubes

1. Boil sago in hot boiling water till cooked, soak in cold water.
2. Blend mango and milk till smooth and fine.
3. Prepare syrup by melt sugar with hot water, set aside to cool.
4. Add in syrup and sago into mango juices. Chill before serve.
5. To serve, spoon mango mixture into a serving bowl. Add few ice cubes, garnish with Pomelo and diced mango. Enjoy !!


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