Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gnocchi with Clams and Asparagus 義式蛤蜊芦笋麵疙瘩

After I success made the Gnocchi, I quickly use it to cook this Gnocchi with clams and asparagus. We tasted a similar pasta in a restaurant in Roma Italy near the hotel we stayed. We even went back the 2nd times and order the same gnocchi pasta.
It is easy for me to get fresh clams than fresh crabs in the wet market near my place. This lady selling fresh clams mainly sell the clams to restaurants. Sometime when I was late and no more clams, after I strong persuade her (amazing my bargain skill) , she will take the clams from the bag (reserved for those restaurants) and release some for me, hehehe..

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Homemade gnocchi 
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Even though I couldn't imitate the real taste of the gnocchi that we have tasted, but my version also tasted not bad ..
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Gnocchi with Clams and Asparagus
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1.5kg clams
IMG_6589 copy 100g asparagus, only use the green part, cubed

Olive oil
Garlic, slices
Chicken stock or water
Salt to taste
Parmesan cheese powder, to taste
Black pepper
Parsley flakes

 Method (Cook for one person at a time)

  1. Prepare a pot of boiling water.
  2. Heat butter and olive oil, sauté garlic slices.
  3. Add in generous amount of clams (for one person) and asparagus, add in chicken stock, cover to cook.
  4. Once clams are almost done, blanch gnocchi in hot boiling water. Once gnocchi float on top (take less than 1min), remove and add into clams.
  5. Add in the seasonings salt,chicken stock powder and parmesan cheese powder, mix well, dish out.
  6. Sprinkle with black pepper and parsley flakes, serve hot.


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