Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hee Pan (Pumpkin steamed buns) 南瓜喜板

I have been seeing many Chinese bloggers attempted this Hee Pan, a kind of steamed buns that made with glutinous rice flour, resulted soft and chewy texture. Actually Hokkien people like me called this as Ki Ka Ku. I have made the typical pink Hee Pan and also pandan Hee Pan before, this time I tried with pumpkin version.

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Making Hee Pan just like making bread, prepare the dough, roll to ball shape (it is easy to roll on countertop) , flatten, proof and steam.
Anyway Hee Pan doesn't need to have first proof like making bread.

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Can't really detect the pumpkin taste, but adding pumpkin makes the texture really soft..

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I still use my mom's recipe but modify to pumpkin version.

Hee Pan (Pumpkin steamed buns) 南瓜喜板
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
** makes about 20pcs

250 glutinous rice flour
IMG_6370 copy 300g plain flour
180g mashed pumpkin (steamed, mashed and sifted)
150g caster sugar
100g corn oil
1 and 1/2tsp instant yeast
120g water

Banana leaves (soften in hot water, cut into round shape)

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl, knead until soft and smooth.
2. Divide dough to equal portion (60g), shape into small round ball. Grease banana leaf with corn oil, place a dough ball on the banana leaf, and flatten the dough by pressing your palm on the dough ball.
3. Cover with cloth and proof it for 30-45mins.
4. Steam over hot boiling water over high medium heat for 15mins (make sure water is already boiling before steaming). When ready, remove the lid as fast as possible as to prevent water from dripping over the buns unless you use a bamboo steamer. If not able to consume all buns at same day, keep it in container and re-steam for better texture the next day.

A reader asked me whether I have tasted Korean mochi bread bun before. She said the bun has chewy texture and very nice. So I keep one  Hee Pan dough and tried to bake in oven. This is what I got, slight chewy texture bread bun, taste quite good! Maybe next time I make a big batch to see.. 
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