Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homemade pandan paste 自制香兰精

This post just to record down the Homemade pandan paste (pandan concentrated juices) that I usually made.

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First blend pandan leaves with water

strain the blitzed pandan 

pour into a jar
store in refrigerator

a thick layer formed at the bottom, this layer is pandan paste or concentrated pandan juice.

Homemade Pandan Paste 自制香兰精
(recipe source: inspired by Wendy, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

20g pandan leaves (use mature leaves), wash and clean, pat dry.
200g water
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  1. Use a scissor to cut pandan leaves into small pieces
  2. Blend pandan leaves pieces and water till fine.
  3. Pour blitzed pandan in a fine strainer, squeeze out the pandan juices.
  4. Pour the pandan juices in a jar, and leave it in the fridge.
  5. When you see a thick layer formed at the bottom (took me 1 day), pour away the upper layer of water, retain the pandan paste (I get about 30g).
  6. You may keep up to two weeks in the fridge or till it turns bad.

I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up September - Pandan hosted by Joceline @ Butter, Flour & Me, organized by Zoe@ Bake For Happy Kids and Mui Mui @ My Little Favourites DIY


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