Friday, October 11, 2013

Japanese Curry Buns 日式咖喱面包

Curry bun is a very popular bun in Japan, you can get them in any supermarket or 7 eleven. We bought some to try during the trip, and it was good. I realized that Japanese like to coat bread crumbs in many of their foods ^_^

jcb21 copy

According to the author of the cookbook, originally this bun was deep fried type, but due to health concern, nowadays this bun is bake in the oven. I tried to deep fry one bun, frankly it tasted nicer than bake one, like eating donut with curry filling, yummy!

I use this brand of Japanese curry roux

Preparing the curry filling



Making the buns

jcb22 copy

I was quite surprised to know that the buns still taste soft till the next day, even the bread recipe just a simple straight forward method
jcb23 copy

With this recipe, you will have some leftover dough, you can use it to fry as donut or making it into other flavours of buns.

Japanese Curry Buns
(recipe source: adapted from cookbook Tokyo Pastry House, with minor changes)
*makes 13~15 curry buns

To cook curry filling
½ yellow onion, small cubes
jcb21 copy½ carrot, small cubes
300g chicken, thinly sliced
74g Japanese curry roux
420g water

42g butter
42g plain flour


  1. Heat up cooking oil in a small pot, sauté onion and carrot till aroma, add in water.
  2. In another non-stick frying pan, pan fry chicken slices till color changed.
  3. Add cooked chicken slices into the pot, continue to cook over medium low heat for about 15mins. Add in curry roux and mix well.
  4. In another clean non-stick frying pan, melt butter over low heat, then add in plain flour, stir to combine well. Then add into curry mixture.
  5. When the mixture started to turn thick, dish out and cool it completely.
  6. Weight 50g curry mixture and lightly roll into ball.

To make curry buns
500g High Protein flour or bread flour
60g sugar
1/4tsp salt
50g butter
1 and 1/2tsp instant yeast
1 egg (large)
235g water

1 Egg, lightly beaten
Panko or bread crumbs
Some pecan nuts


  1. Normal making bread steps, mix all ingredients together except butter and knead till smooth.
  2. Add in butter and knead until elastic and smooth. Set aside to rise for an hour or until double size.
  3. Equal divide the dough for 50g each, roll into ball, and rest for another 15mins.
  4. Wrap curry ball with the dough, and seal tightly, lightly flatten it.
  5. Brush the dough with egg, then place it on the bread crumbs, place one pecan and lightly press into centre, then cover the whole dough with bread crumbs.
  6. Place it on a pan with baking paper, let it to proof for another 30-45mins. Bake at pre-heated oven (lower rack) at 190C (fan forced) for 12mins or until golden brown.
  7. Store it in a container in room temperature if you have leftover. You can make the bread crumbs returned crispy by placing them in a pre-heated oven at 190C for 3mins.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #1 Oct 2013 : Japan , hosted by Alan from travelling-foodies


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