Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Japanese rice burger 日本米饭汉堡

We have never try a rice burger before, until recently we tried a nice rice burger at the Asahiyama Zoo Hokkaido. It was quite a late lunch, we bought some hotdog and ice-cream from a small shop located inside the zoo. My son Desmond didn't want the hotdog, so he ordered a rice burger. After he tasted, he told me the rice burger was very nice. Even we all had finished the hotdog, we still rushed to buy few rice burger to try out, and agreed it was yummy !

jrb4 copy

jrb5 copy

I even carry back home 2kg of rice from Hokkaido just wanted to make this rice burger ^_^

Also made dashi stock from the scratch ..kombu bought from Hokkaido and bonito flakes from local.

This time I adapted the dashi stock recipe from Nami Just One Cookbook
I packed the leftover dashi stock in a plastic bag and store in the freezer for future use


From what I tasted, the filling for this rice burger was similar to Gyudon (Japanese beef rice bowl)

This was how I prepared the rice patties, but I find the rice would fall apart while I enjoying this burger, not sure how the shop made the rice patties so firm and nice..

jrb2 copy

Japanese rice burger 日本米饭汉堡
 (recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

For the rice patties
2 cups Japanese short grain rice, washed twice and clean.
jrb1 copy 3 1/2cups water

Method-mix rice and water in an electric rice cooker, cook as per normal

For the Gyudon filling (reference made to cookbook: Japanese cooking recipes)

200g Sukiyaki beef slices
3/4pc yellow onion, sliced
½” ginger, grated
1 clove garlic, grated

100ml dashi stock
1tbsp Japanese light soy sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1 and 1/2tbsp sugar
1/2tbsp mirin
1tbsp sake
1/2tsp salt
1/2tsp Kombucha, optional


  1. Heat oil in a frying pan over high heat, sauté ginger and garlic, then add in beef slices and stir till colour changed.
  2. Add in onion slices, then stock and all seasonings, cook until sauce thicken.

To serve Rice burger-to make rice patties, use a round metal ring, put in cooked rice and press till firmly or you can use plastic wrap. Then use a brush, dip it with the beef sauce, and brush one side of rice patties. You can grill the rice patties on a non-stick pan, or just serve it plain. Assemble like a burger, top two rice patties with gyudon filling, nice to serve while hot. You can re-heat in the microwave oven before serve.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #1 Oct 2013 : Japan , hosted by Alan from travelling-foodies


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