Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thanks A Million !!

Check out below details for my 1st giveaway..

Thanks A Million !!

“Nasi Lemak Lover” received 1,000,000 blog page views in May 2011, after have been 1 ½ years blogging ! Without your support from all over the world, I could not achieve such a result, thus I am giving away three set of gifts as an appreciation for my readers. These gifts are specially chosen for you after my deep thought.

I created this blog “ Nasi Lemak Lover” back in Sept 2008 after I took a VSS (Volunteer Separation Scheme) package from my previous company . By the time I decided to retired from work and stay at home to take care of my kids. 

I have been eagerly to learn new recipes and cook more delicious dishes for my family. So, I started to search recipes in the internet. I found a few attractive blogs and tried to leave them message. But I didn’t know how to do so since I don’t own a blog. I didn’t even know how to post anonymous comments in the blog too, hehehe . But gradually, I decided to create my own blog and name it as “Nasi Lemak Lover “as I love to eat Nasi Lemak very much ! (** fragrant coconut rice, a de facto national dish of Malaysia ) . The above logo was specially created by my daughter for me.

At first, I couldn’t decide between English or Mandarin language writing for my blog. As I was studied Mandarin as main language for 6 years in the primary school, and it was hardly to find the opportunity to communicate in English those days until I started to work in the office after finished my secondary school. In order to improve my English Language, I decided to create an English blog “ Nasi Lemak Lover ” . As I’m not quite proficient in English, I would like to keep my post short and simple. But at the same time I wish to publish lots of mouth-watering photos, tried and tested recipes to share with all of you. So, please bear with me for my poor grammar and spelling mistakes!

My husband did ask me what I have gain from blogging which I have to spend a lot of time to write a post. I told him that I gain nothing in terms of $ but I gain friendship from all over the world. Besides this, I can learn a lot of good recipes from my blogger friends too and cook for my family.

Oh yes , my 1st giveaway is opened to anyone, anywhere in the world. There are three set of gifts in this giveaway. I would like to give one set to Malaysian reader, one set to Singaporean reader and another set is given to the reader who is from other countries.

Method of taking part in this giveaway:

1. You just need to leave a comment in this post and tell me which country you live in. Please leave your name if you are an anonymous. Each person is entitled for one entry only.

2. Closing date of this giveaway is 21st June 2011 by 12 midnight Malaysia time. I will either ask my kids to draw the lucky winners from all eligible entries or chose using a random number generator.

3. The winner will be notified via e-mail (I will ask your email once I announced the winners). The package will be shipped directly to you at no cost.

Good Luck!!

Gifts for Malaysian

1. A cookbook - “ Okashi-Sweet Treats made with love”. A good cookbook that every baker should own one.

2. A cake leveler, you can use to slice cake into few layers.

3. A nice gift box

Gifts for Singaporean

1. A cookbook- A profit-making bakery shop (with cake & bread recipes), by Malaysian author Wendy Kor. I buy bakery ingredients from her shop which is just nearby my place.

2. “Kuih Bangkit” mould with animals printing. I found that this mould is quite rarely to be found in the bakery ingredient shop. You could refer to the recipe here.

3. A nice gift box.

Gifts for other countries

1. A cookbook “Nyonya” flavours - a complete guide to Penang Straits Chinese Cuisine. My intention is to introduce Malaysia Nyonya foods to the world.

2. A copy of “Flavours” food magazine. I would like to introduce Malaysia local food magazine to the world..

3. An “ Ang Ku Kueh” mould , Ang Ku Kueh is a small red round oval shaped Chinese cake with soft sticky skin wrapped with sweet filling in the center. (you could refer to the recipe here).

4. A nice gift box.

To my fellow blogger friends, could you help me to spread this good news in your blog (if this is possible for you) ...Thanks ya...

** I will be away for a short vacation, there will be no update for a week, shall update once I returned (my camera just broken and have sent to factory for repair, too bad, i can't take photos this time). If i happened to see some nice things during my trip, i will top up into the gift box, this is extra bonus for you!! See you soon!


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