Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cranberries Cream Cheese Pai Pao (Bread) 蔓越莓奶酪大排包

While i tried to figure out what to make so i can use finish the leftover 100g cream cheese from raspberry cheesecake. I saw Jessie-cooking moments strongly recommended this Pai Pao ( in Chinese which means bread arrange in a line). She said this bread stay soft after kept for 3 days..
I immediately try it out yesterday and i like this recipe which is straight dough method (don't need overnight sponge dough). I was enjoyed this bread this morning, and so happy to find out this bread still tasted very soft, fluffy and nice aroma..This will be a bread recipe that i will make again and again..

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At first, Jessie was adapted this recipe from Cass 揾到食who adapted from a Chinese blog. But Cass replaced cream cheese with yogurt , further Jessie changed sugar to honey..They both very pleased with the result of this bread recipe..Since i have cream cheese so i stick to the original recipe. Next time i must bake this bread again with yogurt to see any difference or not..
Thanks to Cass and Jessie introduced to us this good bread recipe..

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The ingredients in this bread is something that i like, cranberry and cream cheese, similar like cranberry cream cheese buns i made earlier.
And this dough is very easy to handle...This is a straight dough method, using the usual normal bread ingredients but i was amazed the softness of this bread, that means additional of cream cheese, playing an important role in this bread.

craberries cream cheese bread

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Cranberries Cream Cheese Pai Pao (Bread) 蔓越莓奶酪大排包
(Recipe source: adapted from 尒尒的玩乐坊 with minor changes)

50g cream cheese
40g dried cranberries
280g bread flour/ high protein flour
40g caster Sugar
2.5g salt ( I omitted)
120g milk (i use low fat milk)
40g egg
1tsp instant dried yeast
28g butter, soften at room temperature

Egg wash-balance egg +1tsp milk
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Method (using hand knead)
1. Using a wooden spatula, beat cream cheese till creamy.
2. Place all ingredients except butter & cranberries into the same mixing bowl, mix well with wooden spatula till all come together. Start to knead till dough becomes smooth.
3. Add butter and continue knead till dough becomes smooth, glossy and elastic (pass thru window pane test).
4. Add in cranberries and gently incorporate into dough.
5. Place dough in a clean bowl and cover with cling wrap, let it proof till double size.
6. Remove dough from the bowl, gently press the dough to remove air bubbles. Equally divide dough into 6 portions (~90g each). Roll each into small round dough ball, continue to rest for 15mins.
7. Roll small dough into an oval shape, and roll up like swiss roll, press firm on the closing.
8. With the closing facing down, place it on the non-stick baking pan ( 9”x9” or 23cmx23cm). Repeat the rest till finished. Continue to rest till double in sizes.
9. Apply egg wash, bake at pre-heated oven at 180C for 20mins.
10. Cool bread on a wire rack. Store in air-tight container to maintain softness.

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