Sunday, October 14, 2012

Raspberry Marble Cheesecake 覆盆子芝士蛋糕

I am so happy from now onwards i can bake this type of heavy cheesecake. Last time my family do not appreciate heavy cheesecake, but after they tasted this Raspberry cheesecake, they were asking for more..

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I was so confident, right after seeing recipe in Jane's corner, straight away bake one. But i got a wet and collapsed cake like this. Thanks to "WhatsApp" , immeidately I told my problem to Jane, after we have chat and discussed, then i know where were my problems..Beat egg white too stiff, water seep into the cake, and high oven temperature..The recipe below is after i adjusted to these problems and change a bit of the recipe (like i beat the whipping cream till soft peak)..


Jane also taught me to warm the knife with hot water and clean after each cut, then you can have nice and neat cake after cut. (Thank you so much Jane !!)

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Raspberry Marble Cheese Cake 覆盆子芝士蛋糕

(recipe source: adapted from Jane’s corner, with minor changes)
*makes a 8” cake

400g cream cheese, room temperature
40g caster sugar
4 egg yolks
50g low protein flour or cake flour
200g whipping cream, cold from fridge

4 egg whites
90g caster sugar

Raspberry filling (store-bought)

1. Remove whipping cream from fridge, immediate beat till soft peak, set aside.
2. Beat cream cheese with sugar till smooth (I use stand mixer)
3. Add in egg yolks and mix well. Add in flour and combine well.
4. Mix in whipped cream, mix till well combine.
5. Beat egg white till foamy (I use hand mixer), gradually add in sugar and continue to beat till soft peaks.
6. Use a hand whisk, mix in 1/3 meringue with cream cheese batter till combine.
7. Use a spatula, fold in the balance meringue, fold gently till combine.
8. Pour batter into cake tin (line paper on the bottom), and make marble effect with raspberry filling.
9. Bake at a pre-heated oven at 140C for 75mins at lower rack using steaming bake method (place a roasting tin underneath and add in hot water before putting in the cake tin).
10. Cool on a wire rack, remove the cake and chill the cheesecake before consume.

This was how i steamed bake this cake...

I am going to bring this cake to a gang dinner tonight, i hope my girl  friends will like this cake!!

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