Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Rabbit Snowskin Mooncakes

Yesterday i use the balance Kor Fun flour and lotus paste filling to make this little rabbit for my son Lucas to bring to school as they are celebrating Children's day today..

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This time i changed a bit the snowskin ingredients, i added cooked Hong Kong Flour in order to get more flexible dough as to easy make rabbit shaping. The result is better than purely use Kor Fun or cooked glutinous flour, but still hard to get smooth skin, you can see all these little rabbits with wrinkle skin, hehehe..
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30 mini rabbits ready to meet the children ^_^


Rabbit Snowskin Mooncakes
(recipe source : by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 32 pcs

Snowskin pastry
125g Kor Fun (cooked glutinous rice flour)
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50g cooked Hong Kong Flour ( fry in a non-stick frying pan over low heat for 15mins)
30g Crisco shortening
135g icy cold water
80g icing sugar
1/2tsp vanilla extract, Cointreau or Kirsch (optional)
260g white lotus filling, weight 8g each and shape to ball

Red food colouring

1. Sift Koh Fun, Hong Kong flour and icing sugar into a mixing bowl.
2. Rub shortening into the flour mixture.
3. Gradually mix in icy cold water and mix to form soft dough.
4. Weight each dough 12g and shape to ball.
5. Wrap filling with dough, shape to oval shape and use the back of a butter knife to make the rabbit’s ear and use toothpick to make two red dots as rabbit’s eyes.
6. Chill before serving.


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