Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kai Loog Keuy / Thai Son-in-law eggs

I had this dish at a Thai restaurant on the other day. I was curious the funny name then I asked the waiter why this dish has such funny name called Son-in-law eggs, but he couldn't tell me an answer.
After I google, according to here, this little deep-fried, savoury egg dish is traditionally cooked by Thai mothers for their soon-to-be son-in-laws as a grave warning that if they decide to get a little promiscuous with their beloved daughters, their precious gems will end up boiled, deep-fried and served with sweet sauce. Thai's mothers are cute and creative right ^_^
This is a great way to get rid of leftover boiled eggs, the sweet and sour pour over fried eggs, kids especially love them.

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You better close the wok with lid when frying the boiled eggs, it like frying "bom", scary ^_^

I find the dish served at the restaurant more to sweet side, I adjusted the seasonings so the sauce not only has sweet and sour taste, also come with a hint of saltiness, nicer actually..
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Kai Loog Keuy / Thai Son-in-law eggs
(recipe source: reference made to here, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

3 hard-boiled eggs

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Sauce ingredients
2tbsp palm sugar
1tbsp tamarind paste mix with 3tbsp water, strain the juices
2tbsp water
1tbsp fish sauce
1tsp tapioca starch or corn starch with little water, to thicken

Fried shallots
Cabbage, shredded
Coriander leaves
Fresh red chili, sliced


  1. Heat cooking oil in a wok, deep fry whole hard-boiled eggs till golden brown. Drain the fried eggs out of the oil and set aside to cool. Halve the eggs and place them on a serving plate.
  2. To cook the sauce, in the same wok, add all sauce ingredients except thickening tapioca starch and cook over low heat till boiled. Taste and adjust it accordingly. Then thicken the sauce by adding tapioca water.
  3. Pour the sauce over the eggs, then garnish with fried shallots, coriander leaves, chili and cabbage. Serve warm with rice.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest ( Thailand ) - November Month hosted by Lena of frozen wings


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