Thursday, November 21, 2013

Xia Long Bao / Soup Dumplings 小笼包

The other day I watched a TV food show talked about the famous Taiwan Ding Tai Fung soup dumpling or Xia Long Bao, interesting to know that one dumpling's weight must be exact 21g (skin 5g and filling 16g), and requires 18pleats, because it is supposed to look like a chrysanthemum flower.  So I took this challenge and try to make this dumplings at home and followed to Ding Tai Fung standard, but it was a failed attempted. I can't achieved the 18 pleats (got about 12-13pleats) and no soup from the dumplings. Then I checked with my friend Jane (she also made this dumplings before), she told me that I have to add the stock jelly then only can have soup. I tried to googled for a recipe that closer to Ding Tai Fung, luckily I manage to found one.

This is how you suppose to do when enjoying soup dumlings, drink the yummy soup first ...
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It was quite tedious to make soup dumplings, you need at least 2 days.
First day you have to prepare the stock jelly which using a lot of chicken feet as it will cause the soup to be gelatinous in texture when frozen.

it was amazed to see this stock turned into jelly the next day
and prepare overnight sponge dough 老面


Day 2 - you can start to make soup dumplings.
First prepare the filling.. you have to chop the frozen stock jelly stock till very fine..

Then prepare the dumpling skin, by adding overnight sponge dough and little alkaline. And this dough really elastic and easy to wrap if compare to the first time which i didn't use these two ingredients..


Rolling and wrapping..
You know the dough only 5g, it was so you have to make sure the filling texture is firm so it is easy to wrap ..Total weight per dumpling is 21g..


I also record a video to show you how I wrapped with 18 pleats, my son helped me to upload this video into his account since I don't have any account.

before steam

I am glad that my Xia Long Bao is quite close to Ding Tai Fung , thin skin and juicy filling 皮薄馅厚..

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Lets check the long recipe...

Xia Long Bao / Soup Dumplings小笼汤包
*makes ~ 75 pcs

Day 1

To prepare frozen superior stock jelly 鸡汁冻

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1 old chicken

700g chicken feet

3 slices ginger

3.5lt water


  1. Simmer all ingredients for 4 hours over low heat.
  2. Discard all ingredients and retain only superior stock, pour stock into a container and let it cool in room temperature. Once cooled, refrigerate it overnight. The inclusion of the chicken feet will cause the soup to be gelatinous in texture when frozen.
  3. Remove the top layer of fat before use the frozen superior stock jelly.

To prepare overnight sponge dough / polish 老面

250g high protein flour

165g water

1/8tsp instant yeast


  1. Mix the ingredients together in a container, don’t need to knead.
  2. Set aside, covered, to proof for 2-3hrs or until bubbly.
  3. Flatten the dough, cover with cling film and close with lid, refrigerate overnight.

Day 2

To prepare the filling 肉馅

 900g minced pork (with some fat)

3 spring onions, chopped finely

1 and 1/2tbsp light soy sauce

3/4tsp dark soy sauce

2 and 1/4tsp salt

3tsp caster sugar

1 and 1/2tsp sesame oil

3tsp Chinese rice wine

White pepper powder

250g frozen superior stock jelly, chopped finely


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Cling wrap and store in the refrigerator until needed ( this is to let the filling to firm it up so easy when wrapping later)

To prepare dumpling skin 面皮

250g plain flour

130g water

30g overnight sponge dough, tear into small pieces

1/8tsp alkaline


  1. Mix all ingredients and knead into a smooth dough.
  2. Cover the dough with a warm towel and leave to rest for 30mins.

To assemble 制作

  1. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out into a thin sausage shape, and cut into pieces for 5g each.
  2. Using a mini rolling pin, roll out each piece into a flat circle (~2.5”)
  3. Fill each dough circle with 16g filling, seal the edges with 18 pleats. You may refer to the video on how to wrap the dumplings.
  4. Place dumplings on bamboo steamer that lined with cabbage leaves. Steam for 5mins. Serve hot with shredded ginger and black vinegar (镇江醋)

Source: made reference to here, 冷藏老面refer to CCM , by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


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