Thursday, December 5, 2013

Matcha Tiramisu 抹茶提拉米苏

We bought many matcha flavour of KitKat from Hokkaido, so far we have yet to find this matcha KitKat at the supermarket here, the usual one only chocolate flavour. I hide few boxes of this matcha KitKat in the refrigerator as I wanting to use it to decorate this matcha Tiramisu. After kept for almost 2 months, I can't kept it any longer because my kids already found the kitkat, so I have to quickly put into action before they steal it ^_^.

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This tiramisu also suitable to serve as dessert during Christmas time..Look at my decoration, raspberries and red ribbon, i got Christmas feel now ^_^..
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Matcha Tiramisu 抹茶提拉米苏

To make matcha sponge cake

2 egg yolks (large)
55g cake flour, sifted
mt6 copy 5g matcha powder, sifted
2 egg white (large)
60g caster sugar


  1. Sift both cake flour and matcha powder together, set aside.
  2. Lightly stir well egg yolk, set aside.
  3. Beat the egg white until foamy, gradually add sugar and beat until the egg whites become stiff peaks form, glossy and smooth.
  4. Fold in egg yolks and lightly mix with egg white mixture with a spatula.
  5. Sift the flour and matcha powder over this mixture and fold gently until just mixed.
  6. Fill the cake batter with a piping bag, pipe two round disc (6”) of cake batter on a lined baking pan.
  7. Bake at preheated oven at 180C for 10-15mins or until cooked.

To make Matcha Tiramisu with Matcha Kitkat

250g Mascarpone cheese
40g caster sugar
200g whipping cream (dairy)
1/2tsp gelatine powder
1tbsp water
cooked red bean, optional

To decorate
Matcha powder
5 boxes of Matcha Kitkat


  1. Sprinkle gelatine powder over water in a bowl, stand the bowl over a pan of simmering hot water till dissolved and clear liquid.
  2. With an electric hand mixer, beat mascarpone cheese with sugar till loosen.
  3. With the same mixer, continue to beat whipping cream in a mixing bowl that place over a larger bowl filled with ice cubes and water, beat until stiff peaks form.
  4. Fold mascarpone cheese into whipped cream, then fold gelatine mixture till smooth.
  5. Place one piece of matcha sponge cake into a 6” cake ring or removable bottom cake pan. Divide cream into two equal portions, spoon one portion on top of the sponge cake.
  6. Place another piece of matcha sponge cake on top of the cream, sprinkle some cooked red beans on top. Spoon in the balance cream and smooth the top.
  7. Cover with clear film and chill for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.
  8. Remove match Tiramisu from cake ring, sprinkle matcha powder on top, then stick Matcha KitKat on the sides.

Recipe by: Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

I am submitting this to the "Baby Sumo's Christmas Recipes Collection 2013" event which is hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.

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