Monday, December 23, 2013

Raspberries Clafoutis 覆盆子布丁蛋糕

Clafoutis, is a baked French dessert of fruit, traditionally using black cherries, arranged in a buttered dish and covered with a thick flan (like batter), and once baked, dusted with powdered sugar. I baked this few weeks ago but i used some very fresh raspberries.

The texture is cross between pudding (similar to crème caramel) and cake ..

This dessert is easy to make, perfect to serve during a busy Christmas dinner..

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!

Raspberries Clafoutis 覆盆子布丁蛋糕
335g milk
70g caster sugar
2 eggs (large) , lightly whisk

35g cake flour
1tsp Kirsch (cherry wine) , or replace with vanilla extract
A pinch of salt
1tbsp butter
100g fresh Raspberries
Icing sugar 
1.     Mix milk and sugar in a saucepan, bring to warm till sugar dissolved.
2.     In another clean mixing bowl, add in cake flour, salt and pour in egg, stir to mix well.
3.     Pour the warm milk into egg mixture, add in Kirsch, stir to mix well.
4.     Sift the batter into a ramekin or baking dish that have buttered, then distribute raspberries evenly over the top.
5.     Bake at a pre-heated oven at 200C until a skewer inserted into batter comes out clean and a golden brown crust has formed on top and bottom of clafoutis, about 30 minutes. Dust with icing sugar before serving. 
Reference to here, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

I am submitting this to the "Baby Sumo's Christmas Recipes Collection 2013" event which is hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out


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