Thursday, May 30, 2013

Macarons with Raspberries Jelly and Dark Chocolate Ganache

Every time before my daughter go to her best friend house, sure she will request me to bake some macaron as this is their favourite's sweet ! At first she chosen the Ispahan Macaron from the Pierre Herme Macarons book that I just bought recently. Before making macaron and realized that still lacking of canned lychee and white chocolate, so we drop the idea and came out with this new combination.

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 This is not my first time trying PH macaron recipe. I have tried many times, but the outcome of every batch I made still not consistent ..some time it cracked, stick to the baking paper and no skirt formed.
This time, it seem came out perfect!  I adjusted few steps and have it recorded in below recipe, but I still no confidence whether my next batch will be the same result ! This little baby is hard to make!

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Love this jelly idea from PH macaron book. This little cube of jelly like a gem in the macaron. I get my daughter to prepare this raspberris jelly, and now I realized that she did not weight the ingredients and have it recorded. So this jelly recipe is without measurements.

This is the first time I ate few macarons at one go after done (I guess after refrigerated for one night, it will even better ) . I love this combo, the sweetness is balance with the addition of dark chocolate and raspberries jelly ! Crispy&light shell and chewy & soft meringue texture, perfect!

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Macarons with Raspberries Jelly and Dark Chocolate Ganache
Recipe source: Macaron shell recipe from Pierre Herme with minor changes, jelly and ganache recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Almond mixture
105g almond meal
M3 copy 100g icing sugar
40g aged egg whites

40g aged egg whites
100g caster sugar
25g water

Food colouring, pink

1. To age the egg white-separate egg white and egg yolk (keep egg yolk for other use). Keep egg white in a container and cover with a cling film. Store inside the fridge for 1 week.
2. Remove aged white eggs from fridge, let them return to room temperature.
3. Sift almond meal and icing sugar in a mixing bowl, set aside. Cook sugar and water until it reaches 118C.
4. When the syrup reaches 100C, start beat egg white until soft peaks at high speed (work with hand mixer speed 4)
5. When syrup reaches 118C, quickly pour it into egg whites on low speed.
6. Turn speed to high and beat meringue until stiff and glossy, takes about 2-3mins. While beating meringue, mix almond mixture with egg white and colouring, set aside.
7. Fold meringue into almond mixture, mix until it looks shinny and creamy. Tnnyhe batter should resemble slightly runny cake dough.
8. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (line bottom with a template of circles ( 3.5cm circle and 2cm gap in between, then cover it with a sheet of non-stick baking paper). Lift a corner of the baking paper, slide out the macaron template, set aside to rest for 30mins.
9. Bake at a preheated oven at 150C (Grill function-top heat only) for 2-3mins at the lower rack (3rd steel bar from bottom) until you see a skin forms on the surface.
10. Turn on the oven fan, continue to bake at 150C for 11 - 12mins.
11. Remove from tray and let it rest on a rack to cool down before peel them off.

Raspberries jelly

fresh raspberries, chopped finely
caster sugar
lemon juices

gelatine powder


  1. Place chopped raspberries in a small pot, let it cook for 2-3 minutes or until thick.
  2. Adjust the taste with sugar and lemon juices accordingly.
  3. Adjust the thickness by adding water if necessary.
  4. Mix gelatin and water and melt it over a pot of simmering water.
  5. Add into raspberries compote, mix well.
  6. Let it cool and refrigerate overnight.
Dark Chocolate Ganache

50g dark chocolate (Lindt 70%)
45g whipping cream
10g butter


  1. Melt dark chocolate over a bowl of simmering water.
  2. Add in cream and butter, stir to combine well.
  3. Refrigerate before use
To assemble – Fill a piping bag that fitted with a plain nozzle with dark chocolate ganache. Cut raspeberry jelly into small cubes. Pipe a small dot of chocolate on to half the shell, place a cube of raspeberry jelly on top, then pipe chocolate ganache circle the jelly.Top with another macaron shell. Store the macarons in the fridge for 24hrs. Remove from the fridge for 30-60mins before eating.


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