Friday, May 24, 2013

Oreo Owl Cupcakes 猫头鹰巧克力杯子蛋糕

I made this Oreo Owl Cupcakes for my son Birthday the other day. As usual, before I make the cake, I checked with him for what Birthday cake he wants first. Phew, this time he just wanted chocolate cupcakes, unlike last year he requested a Minecraft fondant cake. But I don't want to just make the ordinary chocolate cupcakes for him, so I chosen this cute Owl cupcakes that I have seen in Crystal blog.

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At first, I use the normal size of Oreo cookies to make but after decorated, we feel they are too big size and not that cute. Luckily I have a box of mini Oreo cookies that given by Jessie when she visited me last year. I seem could not get mini Oreo cookies in supermarket here, if you know where to get this, let me know please..
These were the batch using normal Oreo cookies..

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These using mini Oreo cookies, they are so cute!
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collage-owl cupcake

Let my daughter show you on how to decorate this Oreo Owl cupcakes

Oreo Owl decorated cupcakes

Chocolate cupcakes
(recipe source: adapted from Dailydelicious with minor changes)

100g unsalted butter
132 copy160g caster sugar
 2 eggs
A pinch of salt
150g cake flour
40g cocoa powder
1tsp double action baking powder
60g dairy whipping cream
100g natural yogurt


  1. Mix dairy whipping cream and natural yogurt and set aside for 1hr.
  2. Preheat the oven to 170C. Place the baking paper in to the cupcake tins.
  3. Sift the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together
  4. Beat the butter, salt and sugar until light and fluffy.
  5. Put the egg in to the batter and beat until combine.
  6. Add yogurt and whipping cream mixture, beat to combine.
  7. Add in flour mixture, mix to combine.
  8. Scoop the batter into the tins (about 80% as we need cupcake's top has dome so its give 3D effect)  , bake for 20mins or adjust according to the liners that you use, until the cake is spring when touch lightly.
  9. Let the cake cool completely before decorate.

To decorate Oreo Owl cupcakes
(recipe source: adapted from here with minor changes)

Oreo mini cookies (2 cookies per cupcake)
Brown m&m’s (2 per cupcake), mini size
Yellow m&m’s (1 per cupcake), mini size
Chocolate ganache-220g dark chocolate and 25g whipping cream, melt over double-boiled method. Set aside to thicken.

1.Separate all of the Oreo cookies, using only the cookies that have the white frosting. You will need two cookies per cupcake.
2.Scoop chocolate ganache on top of cupcake. Gently press each cookie on the cupcake to form an eye, making a pair for each cupcake.
3.Apply a dot of chocolate ganache on the cookie, stick one brown M&Ms candy on each cookie to form an eye, making a pair for each cupcake.
4. Using a yellow M&Ms candy, gently press it below and in between the cookie eyes to form a beak. Repeat with the remaining cupcakes.
5. Take some chocolate ganache, put on the top of cupcake and use a toothpick to decorate the hair.
6.Serve immediately and store any leftovers in the refrigerator.

My son's friends who are staying nearby were so happy to receive this Oreo Owl cupcake...


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