Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cempedak Swiss Roll 菠萝蜜蛋糕卷

I was planning to bake a cempedak butter cake but when I saw this cempedak swiss roll in this post, I change my mind ! Now cempedak is in season, this is the best time to enjoy cempedak. Anyway, I am sure will bake a cempedak butter cake later.

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Too bad, I can't get the orange flesh of cempedak

We can eat the cempedak seeds as well, boiled in water till cooked, it taste like chestnut.

The other day I found a good swiss roll recipe (I have tried the maple syrup swiss roll, have yet to post)  . Like the flexible cake sponge, easy to roll..
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My friend Yan taught me to use scissor to cut the flesh as to break down the fibre , and cook it to reduce water content in the flesh..
I still have to improve the cempedak filling, maybe I should add some butter next time..I wish to try out the real cempedak swiss roll in Ipoh one day.

If you want to make this swiss roll, I will suggest you to spread a thin layer of buttercream, as you can see my swiss roll did not stick well.

Cempedak Swiss Roll
(recipe source: swiss roll recipe modified from here, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes a 36cm x26xm

To make Cempedak filling
200g Cempedak flesh
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  1. Use a scissor to cut the flesh as to break down the fibres of the flesh.
  2. Cook the cempedak flesh in a non-stick pan till slightly dry.
  3. Set aside to cool.

To make swiss roll
120g egg yolks
45g caster sugar

8g honey
20g corn oil
15g milk

195g egg white
65g caster sugar
65 cake flour

  1. Add 45g sugar with egg yolk, lightly stir well.
  2. Bring the bowl over a bowl of simmering water, continue to stir to sugar dissolved and liquid turned warm.
  3. Add honey, corn oil and milk in a small saucepan, bring to warm till mixture well combined.
  4. Pour the warm liquid into egg yolk mixture, continue to stir (use hand balloon whisk) till light.
  5. Beat egg white till foamy (use electric hand mixer), gradually add in sugar and beat till soft peak.
  6. Take 1/3 of meringue and use a hand whisk to mix well with egg yolk mixture.
  7. Fold in 2/3 of meringue and use a spatula, fold with egg yolk mixture till combined.
  8. Sift in cake flour, gently fold with egg mixture till well combined.
  9. Pour the batter into baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread evenly with a scraper. Gently knock the tray on table top to remove air bubbles trapped in the batter.
  10. Bake in preheated oven at 170C (fan forced) at middle rack for around 16-18mins.
  11. When cake is done, immediately remove cake from the pan and place on a wire rack to cool.
  12. Carefully turn the baked sponge cake onto a piece of baking/parchment paper.
  13. Slowly peel off the attached baking/parchment paper from the cake.
  14.  Slice out a small piece of sponge on a 45-degree angle at another end, so the end of sponge will neatly attached to the sponge at the end of rolling.
  15.  Make few slits across the cake with a knife. Arrange the cempedak filling on the cake, roll the cake up tightly to form a Swiss roll.
  16. Wrap with cling wrap, you can either chill in the fridge or just store in room temperature.

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I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Perak month hosted by 
WendyinKK of Table for Two....or more 
I am also submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY and hosted by (Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out). You can link your egg recipes here.


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