Monday, August 19, 2013

Charcoal Burger with Spicy Chicken and Black Pepper mushrooms 黑炭汉堡

Last week, I had a busy week. We went a short trip to jalan-jalan dan makan-makan (actually we went to Taiping ,will update soon) and also arrange to send my last house helper go back home. After 16 years of life with a helper at home, this time I decided not to employ any more helper. Since my kids already grown up, I don't need a helper anymore. Also a good time start to train my kids to be more responsible and take part of house cleaning activities. And I am glad to see them started to wash their own serving dishes, helping in vacuum, arrange their own bed, and etc. Anyway, I will be getting busy than last time, and might not be able in blogging so often. Sorry to my blogger friend if I couldn't visit you so often.

Ok, come back to this post. The other day I saw a blogger 孤傲的王子 posted a famous burger shop in KL where their charcoal burger is very popular until long Q to get this burger. I will not travel that far and Q for a burger, so I decided to make it at home.

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Again I used the Plain milk buns recipe to make this burger buns, still love the bread texture! Ya, you can keep the overnight milk sponge dough in the fridge for not more than 7 dayse..make it convenient for us to use the dough anytime when we feel like baking the bread within 7 days.

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We like the spicy chicken from MCD burger, so I again copycat this chicken patty with double breading method. And it turned out almost like the original ^_^.
I did not use minced chicken but instead I cut chicken thigh into small piece like this..


Also cook the black pepper button mushroom which is my kid's favourite!


A really black charcoal burger buns! Anyway, we couldn't detect any charcoal taste ^_^

To assemble the Charcoal Burger with Spicy Chicken and Black Pepper mushrooms 

Charcoal Burger with Spicy Chicken and Black Pepper mushrooms
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Overnight sponge dough
215g high protein flour
125g milk (cold)
2g instant yeast (1/2tsp)


1.         Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to a rough dough by hands , the dough is dry and rough and don't need to knead till pass window pane. Cover tightly with cling film and immediately store in the fridge for overnight (at least 12hours).

To make Charcoal Burger Buns
1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough (I used 3 days old sponge dough)
90g High protein flour
cb21 copy 30g egg
1tsp instant yeast
1/2tsp salt
40g caster sugar
2tbsp milk (cold)
5g Japanese charcoal powder
45g butter

1.Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough.
2. Add in the butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with cling film and set aside to proof till double in size.
3.Punch down the dough to expel air, equal divide the dough 7 portions, shape into round balls. Place dough on a baking pan. Let it proof for another 30-45mins.
4.Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170C for 15mins (fan forced).

Homemade Charcoal Burger with Spicy Chicken and Black Pepper mushrooms
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

7 homemade charcoal burger buns
green lettuce
cheese slices

To make Spicy chicken patties

2 boneless chicken thigh, remove skin, cut into 5cm x 5cm thin pieces
3/4tsp fine salt
White pepper白胡椒粉

Flour mixture ingredients
150g plain flour 普通面粉
1/2tsp cumin powder 小茴香粉
1/2tsp Sweet Hungarian Paprika 红甜椒粉
1tsp Cayenne Pepper ground (Extra hot) 辣椒粉
1tsp garlic salt 蒜盐


 1.Marinate chicken pieces with salt and white pepper for 30mins.
 2.Mix flour mixture ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.
 3.When ready to cook, prepare a basin of clean water and a colander.
 4.Toss chicken pieces with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
 5.Place floured chicken pieces in the colander, put the colander in the water and immediately lift it up, remove excess water.
 6.Place wet chicken pieces back to the flour, again toss the chicken with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
 7.Heat enough cooking oil in a pot over medium high heat. Once oil is hot, reduce heat to medium, then put in the floured chicken pieces, deep fry for 3-5mins. Then increase heat to High, continue to deep fry for 1-2mins or until golden brown. (** in order to have crunchy crust, chicken pieces must be fully submerged and covered by hot oil. The last 1-2mins deep fry on High heat is to remove oil and to have less oily fried chicken).
 8.After frying, place chicken on a wire rack to remove excess oil.

To cook black pepper mushrooms

200g brown button mushrooms, sliced
1 onion, sliced

1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tsp sugar
1/2tsp garlic salt
1/2tsp black pepper powder
2tbsp olive oil


  1. Heat olive oil in a pan. Add in onion slices, sauté till aroma.
  2. Add in button mushrooms, continue to stir well.
  3. Add in the seasonings, and cook till water evaporated.

To assemble Charcoal Burger with Spicy Chicken and Black Pepper mushrooms
-        Slice charcoal burger into half, roast the buns on a pan till crispy.
-        Then assemble the buns with mushrooms, green lettuce, spicy chicken patty and a piece of cheese.

My son Desmond can become the model of promoting my charcoal burger if one day I start to sell this Charcoal burger ^_^

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