Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie 草莓乳酪派

Wishing to my Malay blogger friends and readers Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri/ Eid-ul-Fitr 2013 and Happy Holidays to the rest !!
I also want to take couple of days off from blogging and go jalan jalan dan makan makan (travelling and food hunting) ^_^ .
This strawberry cream cheese dessert was served at a Birthday party we attended some time back. My kids love this dessert very much. So I never shy to ask for the recipe, here is the recipe that I obtained from my hubby's friend.  This is perfect dessert to be served in any party.

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This was how my hub's friend served this dessert at her daughter Birthday's party. She prepared in a large baking dish instead in normal pie pan..
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Anyway, I made into a dish and few jelly cups..


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My hubby's friend just told me the ingredients to be used, so I have to re-created the recipe by myself.
This is the jello / jeli that I used.
And this dessert is quick to prepare, a non-bake version of pie.


This dessert is full of flavours, saltiness from the Marie biscuits, sourness from cream cheese, fresh strawberry and sweet jello..simply yummy!
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Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

 Bottom Layer
100g Marie biscuits, crushed
sd5 copy 50g melted butter

Middle layer
250g cream cheese, room temp
½ cup UHT whipping cream
2tbsp condensed milk

10 strawberries, chopped

Top layer
1 packet Strawberry flavour jello (90g)
400ml water


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine Marie biscuits crumbs and melted butter until the crumbs become moistened. Gently and firmly press this mixture onto the prepared dish or jelly cups.
  2. Beat cream cheese and condensed milk until creamy. Then add in whipping cream, mix till combine. Pour the mixture onto the Marie biscuits crust and spread evenly. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
  3. Mix jello powder with water in a saucepan, cook until boiled and sugar melted. Immediately place saucepan over a bowl of iced water to cool down the jello mixture.
  4. Sprinkle chopped strawberry on top of cream cheese layer, then pour the cooled jello mixture on top. Cover with plastic wrap and let it refrigerate for a couple of hours before serve.


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