Sunday, December 2, 2012

Homemade Caramel Kaya ( coconut egg jam) 咖椰

I have been thinking to make caramel kaya ( last time i did pandan kaya but never try with caramel type) for so long, finally i made it with one duck egg (leftover from making salted eggs the other day) that sitting in the fridge for too long....

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Just one duck egg and 2 chicken eggs, we can have so lovely homemade kaya at home, next time i will try to make it instead of buying them from shop..Why i add duck egg?
I was told by the shop owner who selling duck eggs to me, she said the famous kopitiam (cafe) in Klang buying duck eggs from them to make their famous kaya...


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I just modified from earlier pandan kaya recipe to become caramel kaya. I was pleased with the result, smooth kaya and the sweetness just alright for our liking...

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This morning, i was enjoying toast with kaya and butter , with a cup of coffee...
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Homemade Caramel Kaya ( coconut egg jam) 咖椰
(recipe source: modified from pandan kaya recipe, by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)

3 large eggs, lightly beaten ( I use 2 chicken eggs + 1 duck egg )
250g caster sugar
350ml thick coconut milk
(500ml water + grated coconut (from one large old coconut), keep the balance)
2pcs pandan leaves, knotted

1. Mix 150g sugar with coconut milk, use a hand whisk stir till sugar dissolved.
2. Add in egg, stir to combine well, set aside.
3. Add balance 100g sugar in a saucepan, cook over medium heat till became golden syrup.
4. Pour golden syrup into egg and coconut milk mixture, and the syrup will form into curd, don’t worry, continue stir until syrup dissolved in the mixture (Be careful when you pour the syrup, it will spill !)
5. Sift the kaya mixture into another mixing bowl (stainless steel preferred), add in pandan leaves.
6. Place mixing bowl over another pot of boiled water on low heat (double boil method), stir kaya mixture occasionally.(Do not stop too long, 1-2mins intervals). Discard pandan leaves once the leaf is cooked.
7. It took at least 1hour to cook till desired thickness. Cool completely before store in a clear jar and keep in the fridge.


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Beside spread kaya on toast, later i will share with you on other ways of enjoying this homemade kaya..


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