This creamwell buttercream is cheap, stable and able to withstand in hot weather, perfect for decoration..It was widely used for decoration of Birthday cake and wedding cake by bakery shop in old time. Nowadays you still can find this kind of cake in pasar malam or small town..
What you need- golden syrup, margarine Creamwell, and butter.
You can get creamwell from bakery ingredients shop..
You can get creamwell from bakery ingredients shop..
How to make Creamwell Buttercream
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
250g margarine Creamwell
125g butter (salted)
50g golden syrup
1. Beat butter till pale and fluffy.![]()
2. Add in margarine Creamwell, continue to beat till fluffy.![]()
3. Last add in golden syrup, beat till mix well.![]()
4. Keep this buttercream in a plastic container, and store in room temperature for later use.
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