Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pandan Chiffon 香兰戚风

My pandan plants grow wildly at the backyard, look very messy, so i cut off few plants and use the leaves to make pandan paste. Later i use this pandan paste to make this pandan chiffon. Nowadays i stop buying artificial pandan paste but prefer to use homemade pandan paste, love the light jade green colour and very nice pandan aroma..

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Homemade pandan paste- very easy to make, cut pandan leaves (suggest to use old leaves) as thin as possible using a scissor. Blend it with water, pour it into fine strainer and squeeze the juices.  Pour pandan juices into a glass jar and store in the fridge for few days. Discard the upper layer of water (try not to add in any baking, taste bitter) and only use the thick paste which sink at the bottom (The more pandan leaves use to make the juices, the faster the pandan paste sink to the bottom).

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Recently i just bought another new chiffon pan, it is a Japanese type of chiffon pan which is without the metal legs..So I have to invert this way..

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This time, i bake with two Japanese chiffon pan, they are cute right? ^_^


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Actually i wanted to make 烫面戚风 from Jane's corner but i was in rush, so i just bake a normal chiffon..But this chiffon still turned out very soft, moist and nice aroma.

Pandan Chiffon 香兰戚风
( recipe source:Inspired by Jane’s corner with alteration)
*makes 2 x 6” chiffon pan

5 egg yolks

20g sugar
60g water + 20g homemade pandan paste
80g corn oil
125g cake flour

5 egg whites

90g sugar
1/2tsp lemon juices or 1/2tsp cream of Tartar


1. Lightly whisk egg yolks and sugar till combined.
2. Add in water, homemade pandan paste and corn oil, mix well.
3. Add in cake flour, stir and fold till well combine.
4. Whisk egg whites and lemon juices till foamy, slowly add in sugar and continue beat until soft peak formed.
5. Take 1/3 of meringue and use a hand whisk to mix well with egg yolk batter.
6. Fold in 2/3 or meringue and use a spatula, fold with egg yolk batter till combined.
7. Pour into chiffon tins, bake at pre-heated oven at 160c (fan-forced) for 40-45mins.
8. Once baked, turn your chiffon tin upside down and cool completely before remove from the tin.

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