Monday, December 10, 2012

Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake, and party foods 怀旧的生日

The other day when i had conversation about Birthday party with my hubby, and i just realized that both of us never had neither a Birthday party nor Birthday cake when we were young. Our family financial situation was not allowed to have such luxury celebration last time. When i was a kid, our family were staying at the kampung (small town) , to have a Birthday cake is big thing for us, we can only travel to big town like Klang to get Birthday cake because there were no bakery shop at our small town last time..Anyway, we never blamed our parent and we blessed for what we had last time, it also trained us become stronger and appreciate for everything that we achieving now.
Nevertheless, i still have kawan-kawan yang kaya ( rich friends) last time, so i still have chances to attend their Birthday parties, hehehe..When i flipping through those old Birthday party photos the other day, recall a lot of nice memory and nostalgia feeling about these old Birthday parties. So i decided to held an old-fashioned party for my hubby this year..

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I tried to recall what foods were served in a Birthday party last time. Here i came out with these old-fashioned cake and foods..I also served these foods with old fashioned enamel plates and Corningware L'ECHALOTE (Thanks to my hubby finally got me this set of classic casserole that i have been wanting to own a set)

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Dig out all these old Birthday photos to get the ideas on how to decorate the old-fashioned Birthday cake

The common old-fashioned Birthday cake has those colourful edible wafer flowers, chocolate rice on the sides of the cake, star pipe buttercream..
This time i really made an old-fashioned Birthday cake even the buttercream also taste exactly like those i ate in old time. I learnt how to make this old-fashioned buttercream from the bakery shop that usually i visiting, just realized the buttercream is made with one type of margarine called Creamwell..check out recipe below..

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Some of the foods that usually served in a Birthday party last time..The fried chicken also old style, you must be wondering why fried chicken also has old style, hehehe, find out the recipe below..

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Must have item -red eggs, recipe here ( i have revised the old post to include exact amount of ingredients )

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fried meehoon, recipe here

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my hubby's favourite- Hokkien fried mee, recipe here
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Chicken curry, recipe here
This is a must have dish, as we like to pour a lot of curry gravy onto fried meehoon or fried Hokkein mee..

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One of the kuih that i like to eat in an old-fashioned Birthday party- corn pudding..will share recipe soon..

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old-fashioned agar-agar jelly, will share recipe soon
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Old-fashioned fried chicken..

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In old time, taking Kentucky fried chicken outside also a luxury thing, so usually my mother using this type of pre-mix Kentucky flour to fry chicken..very easy, just coat this flour with chicken and deep fry..

My son Desmond said he likes this old-fashioned fried chicken very much ^_^

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Happy Birthday to my hubby!! stay healthy...
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Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake
(Recipe: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

One 7” chocolate sponge cake, refer recipe here

One quantity of Creamwell buttercream, refer recipe here
Chocolate rice
Edible wafer flowers


1. Using a cake divider to divide sponge cake into 3 pieces.
2. Frost the whole cake and between layers with Creamwell buttercream.
3. Pat chocolate rice on the sides, and pipe a ring of star buttercream around the cake.
4. Decorate with edible wafer flowers.
5. Cover and keep in room temperature.

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** I got this old-fashioned Birthday party idea when i saw Wendy also held one for her husband last time..


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