Monday, December 17, 2012

Roselle Cheesecake 洛神花乳酪蛋糕

This was my 1st time experimented with Roselle ( some may called as Hibiscus or Ribena flowers). I made this Roselle cheesecake about a month ago, at that time, wet maket was flooded with a lot of fresh Roselle. I saw many bloggers made into Roselle jam or syrup. But for me, when i saw Roselle in the market, remind me of the nice and crunchy picked Roselle that i ate from a piece of expensive (RM30 for a slice) Raspberry Pistachio Cheesecake during my trip to Melbourne. Instead of using expensive and imported raspberries, i replaced it with Roselle in this cheesecake.

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In fact, I wanted to make this cake again before i post it here. I want to re-confirm the amount of all ingredients as I was busy when making this cheesecake, no proper record down the exact amount of ingredients and also no time to take photos of the steps and even a photo of the fresh Roselle. But too bad, when i want to make this cake again, i can't find any Roselle in the market anymore. 

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My daughter said the Roselle filling tasted similar like blueberry..I feel the filling is a bit thick, next time i want to use the filling recipe and make it to a layer of Roselle jelly instead.
But the pickled roselle worth a try, because it was crunchy, tangy and sweet.

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For this recipe, not all amount of the ingredients are accurate recorded, especially the amount of water..When i make this cake again next time, i will revise this recipe.

Roselle Cheesecake 洛神花乳酪蛋糕
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Pickled Roselle in Syrup 蜜汁洛神花
10 Roselle, cleaned, removed seeds and keep the petals
1 fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup water

10 Roselle, cleaned, removed seeds and keep the whole Roselle

1. Add Roselle petals, lemon juices, sugar and water in a saucepan.
2. Boil over medium heat for 10mins, discard Roselle petals and retain the syrup.
3. Once syrup has cooled, pour into a glass jar, add in fresh Roselle, cover and keep in the fridge for 2-3 days.
4. Remove pickled Roselle for decorate the cheesecake, and use Roselle syrup to make cordial.

Roselle filling
60g Roselle
60g sugar
180g water (you may need to adjust accordingly)

1/4cup water (you may need to adjust accordingly)
1tbsp corn flour or corn starch

1. Mix Roselle, sugar and water in a saucepan, cook over low heat for 1hour until Roselle turned soft, stir from time to time to prevent burnt.
2. Blend the Roselle jam using a hand blender till fine.
3. Transfer back to a saucepan, add in 1/4cup water, stir till mix well.
4. Add in corn flour to thicken the Roselle filling.
5. Set aside to cool.

To assemble Roselle Cheesecake

One quantity of baked cheesecake- refer recipe here (I halved the recipe to make a 6” cake)
Roasted pistachio, chopped
Roselle filling
Pickled Roselle
whipped cream

Method- Spread Roselle filling on top of the cake. Then frost the sides of the cake with whipped cream, pat with chopped pistachio. Arrange pickled Roselle on top.

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