Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 and giveaway, 新春送礼

Chinese New Year is coming soon and I thought of hosting my blog first ever event - Chinese New Year Delights 2013. Please come and join this event !!

How to join :

Who can join? Anyone can join.
Language?  English, Mandarin or Malay is accepted.
Prepare a dish (sweet or savoury) or cookies or any traditional dishes that related to Chinese New Year. Then take a picture of the food you have cooked.
Provide a recipe that is credited (from books,internet,friends,family or maybe by your own, be specific).
Submit your entry latest by 28th February 2013.

To submit :

For Blogger
Blog about it from 8th January 2013 till 28th February 2013
Include this caption below your blogpost :-

* I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover (link back to this post)*

Sending the following information to this email address ( with email subject as 'Chinese New Year Delights 2013'
Blog name:
Name of dish:
Url of post:
Picture:(URL or attachment that is lesser that 500k)

For non Blogger
Email your dish picture with recipe and your name to latest by 28th February 2013 with email subject as 'Chinese New Year Delights 2013'.

Ang Pao giveaway

To Thank you for your participation, I will be given away two Ang Pao ( of course no Cash, but some speical baking related items ^_^. I will show you the gifts in the round up post because i still ordering the items) . This is applicable only to those who participate in this event, and it is applicable to Worldwide. More submission stand better chance to win the Ang Pao. Closing date is 28th Feb 2013.
Good Luck to you !!

A round up will be done on 1st week of March 2013.


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