Monday, January 14, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 新春送礼_round up (part 1)

I decided to post my blog event-Chinese New Year Delights 2013 round up in few parts (20 entry per part) . So i don't need to prepare a long round up post by end of the event and also you can try out their lovely recipes before CNY. Check it out their post below, Happy Baking & Cooking !!

Sheoh Yan Lee (Blog with Yan)-Butter Cookies


Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-牛油小脆饼


Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-London Almond Chocolate Cookies

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-台式凤梨酥


May Law (厨苑食谱)-杏仁脆片 (Almond Curls)


Michelle (心煮意)-牛油香脆曲奇 Butter Cookies


Amy Cheong (Desirable recipes)-Dip - Garlic, Ginger, Cilantro and Spring Onion

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-黄梨酥饼 (预拌粉版)

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-腐乳杂斋菜

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-烘传统鸡蛋糕

Chin KL (蓝色小厨)-烤腰豆

Cass Tan (揾到食)-黄梨饼

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-猪肉干

May Law (厨苑食谱)-Pineaple Tarts (黄梨饼)

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-奶油挤花小饼干 Butter Cookies

Chin KL (蓝色小厨)-咖啡饼

Jess ( Bakericious)-banana chocolate cake

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Cashew nut cookies


Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Matcha Cranberry Cookies (抹茶蔓越莓饼干)



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