Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 新春送礼_round up (part 2)

Here comes the Chinese New Year Delights 2013 part 2, all recipes look so good, wish i can try all of them but i know this is impossible..Sorry to my blogger friends, I am sorry for delaying of visiting your blog frequently because I am trying out of making new cookies for Chinese New Year. Today I am glad that i finally success to make a cookie that we like !

May Law (厨苑食谱)-八宝莲子鸡(Eight Treasure Chicken)


Sue ( CookingMomster)-Kuih Bahulu

Jane Chew (Jane's Corner)-蜂窝饼(Kuih Loyang/ Kuih Rose/ Honeycomb cookies)

Yan Leng (Bakeling)-简易:多谷粮芝麻曲奇 -Easy : Multigrain Cereal Cookies

Chin KL (蓝色小厨)-Kuih Momo

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Kuih Bangkit

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-传统牛油曲奇饼(Butter Cookies)

Cass Tan (揾到食)-鱼鳔汤

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-甜蜜蜜杏仁粟米片 Honey Joys

Eileen Lee (eileen记事本)-花花黄梨饼

Bernice (Bernice's kitchen)-自制猪肉干

Aunty Young-抹茶奶油酥饼 (Matcha sable cookie)

May Law (厨苑食谱)-香脆杏仁饼 (Crispy Almond Cookies)

Min's Blog- 德国酥饼 Marble German Butter Cookies

Na Nak (Aunty Young)-牛油糖霜曲奇

Ann (Anncoo Journal)-Dried Cherry Tomato and Yuzu Cake

Lena (Frozen Wings)-Sweet and Sour Fish with Lychee

Sheoh Yan Lee (Blog with Yan)-Zebra Butter Cake

Mich (Piece of Cake)-Corn Flakes Cookies

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-Crispy Coconut Biscuits ( 椰丝脆饼)


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