Monday, January 28, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013_round up (7)

Wow, up to yesterday night, i have received over 200 entries to my CNY Delights event..Thank you so much to all your great support. So far, i have posted 130 entries (up to round up 6), today i am going to post another 40 entries, quick quick post so you all can view and have a chance to try out ^_^..

Phong Hong Bakes-Chinese Style Tossed Salad

Annie Takeda Mok (Annielicious Food)-Braised Mushroom and Pig Trotter with Sea Cucumber (香菇海参焖猪脚)

Jane Chew (Jane's Corner)-花开富贵牛油饼 Chinese Blossom Cookie

from non blogger -Joey Ang-Famous Amos Choc Chip Cookies

Famous Amos Choc Chip Cookies
(recipe source: n/a)
*makes 90 cookies

125g Butter
50g Granulated sugar
22g Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1/2tsp Vanilla Essence
125g Plain Flour
1 cup Oatmeal
1/2tsp Salt
1/2tsp Baking Soda
1/2tsp Baking Powder
170g Chocolate Chips
125g Chocolate Bar, grated
50g Almond Flakes

1. Preheat Oven to 195C
2. Cream butter and both sugars. Beat in the egg and vanilla till blended.
3. Fold in the flour, oatmeal, salt, baking soda and powder.
4. Fold in the chocolate chips, grated chocolate and almond flakes.
5. Roll into small balls of not more than 1 inch in diameter
6. Bake for 10 mins. Cool on baking tray for 10 mins, then transfer to cooling rack.
7. The cookies are slighly soft when out of oven, but it will turn harden and become crispy once cooled

from non-blogger, Joey Ang-Almond Butter Cookies

 Almond Butter Cookies

(recipe source: recipe from Kathrine Kwa Baking Tutorial (FaceBook))

250g Butter
200g Icing Sugar
2 Eggs
1tsp Vanilla Essence
500g Flour (sieved)
1tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
200g almond Flakes

1. Cream butter and sugar, add in eggs and vanilla essence
2. Fold in Flour, baking powder and salt
3. Fold the batter into rectangular bar shape and wrap it with plastic wrap. Put it in fridge for overnight or until it become harden.
4. Preheat oven 165C. Cut it into small pieces and bake for 15mins

Esther ( 厨房乐)-青豆饼

Esther ( 厨房乐)-爆米杏仁糖酥片

Merywaty (My Diary)-German Cookies

Siew Hwei (简单生活,随心所欲,快乐充实)-丹麦牛油曲奇 Danish Butter Cookies

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Hup Toh Soh [Chinese Walnut Cookies]

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Festive Shortbread Squares

Xuan (Baking Chronicles)-Pineapple tarts (closed version)

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Lime & Raisins Rolls (Nastar) 桔子葡萄酥

Cass Tan (揾到食)-芋头扣肉

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Ice Cream Cookies (Meringue cookies) 冰淇淋饼干

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-蔓越莓饼干 ~ Cranberries Butter Cookies

Alice ( I Love. I Cook. I Bake)-Famous Amos Double Chocolate Chips Cookies

Xinghui (美味情缘)-富贵团圆 (贵妃鲍片炒西兰花)

Xinghui (美味情缘)-杏仁酥 Almond Cookies

Doreen/mui mui (my little favourite DIY)-Hakka Stuffed Tofu

Baby Sumo (Eat Your Heart Out - Goodyfoodies)-Braised E-Fu Noodles with Mushroom

Mich (Piece of Cake)-Black Sesame Cookies

Ann (Anncoo Journal)-Peanut Butter Cookies

CC (Dumpling Love)-Dark chocolate & Cinnamon cookies

May Law (厨苑食谱)-杏仁奶油饼 (Almond Butter Rossettes

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)-Flower Butter Cookies 牛油小花饼

雷切儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)- 炸蟹柳

Aunty Young-杏仁罂粟籽曲奇(Almond Poppy Seed Cookies)

from non-blogger, Susan Lee-Cornflakes cup

Cornflakes Cup

(recipe source: adapted from Yum Yum magazine 76 issue and recipe is from Agnes Chang)

150g cornflakes
100g butter
100g honey
100g fried anchovies (ngen yu zai) in cantonese
100g toasted peanut

1. Melt butter and mix into cornflakes, followed by honey, fried anchovies & toasted peanut.
2. Spoon into paper liner and bake for 12-15mins @ 160c oven.

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-Butter Cake

Pet猫猫-自创~红糖Kuih Kapek

Wendy Han (Wen's delight)-Aunt's Golden Pineapple Balls

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-甘香明虾

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Old fashioned Ji Dan Gao (传统烘鸡蛋糕) Kuih Bahulu

Kandy's Kitchen (Bigheadmagicmad)-Homemade Kueh Bolu/Kuih bahulu

Jane (Passionate About Baking)-Pork Jerky (肉干)Cookies

Alvin ( Chef and Sommelier)-Mexican Wedding Cookies

珊珊的小天地- 好好吃的牛油小脆饼

Siew ( 人在渥太华)-Hazelnut chocolate chip cookies

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-Peanut cookies (入口即溶花生饼)


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