Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 新春送礼_round up (part 3)

Hi all, here comes CNY Delights 2013_round up (Part 3), enjoy browsing...

 From Non-blogger Felicia Ng

Felicia Ng-Fried Nian Gao with Yam & Sweet Potato (Crispy Type)

Fried Nian Gao with Yam & Sweet Potato (Crispy Type)
(recipe by : Felicia Ng)

Nian Gao
Yam (Taro)
Sweet Potato ( Cut them into square pieces)

80g Rice Flour
1 tsp Tapioca Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Double Action Baking Powder
½ tsp Salt
100ml Water
1 tsp Oil

Oil for deep frying

1. Combine Batter, rest it for 30 minutes.
2. Prior to deep-frying, add in oil into Batter and mix well.
3. Steam Nian Gao, Yam and Sweet Potato for 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Sandwich Nian Gao with Yam and Sweet Potato.
5. Coat with Batter. Deep-fry in hot oil till golden brown.
6. Drain off excess oil.


Chin (Chin's Baking Diary)-Fish Crackers

Mandy (缘分的天空)-肉丝角

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Clay-Pot Waxed Meat Rice

Xinghui (美味情缘)-麦香小花饼

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Stuffed Arrowroots 酿慈菇

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-Matcha and Coffee Butter Cookies

Eileen Lee (eileen记事本)-杏仁片脆饼

Michelle (心煮意)-Almond Crisp @ 杏仁脆片 / MixNuts Crisp @ 果仁脆片

Li Shuan (Helena's kitchen)-蒜蓉蒸虾

May Law (厨苑食谱)-酸辣鱼鳔 (Spicy & Sour Fish Maw)

Aunty Young- 炸芽菇(Fried Arrowhead hips)

Jane Chew (Jane's Corner)-雏菊咖啡饼(Daisy Coffee Cookies)

Phong Hong Bakes-Ngaku Chips (Arrowhead Chips)

Aunty Young-炸蟹柳(Fried Filamen Sticks)

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Waxed Meat Kai lan

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-黑芝麻奶酥饼干 Black Sesame Cookies

Xinghui (美味情缘)- 甜蜜金蒜虾 Honey Golden Prawn

Quay Po Cooks-Braised duck with ginger


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