Thursday, January 17, 2013

Crispy Almond Butter Cookies 酥脆杏仁饼

I am so so happy finally i managed to imitate this cookie that I wanted to make for longer time. I first tasted this cookie in a bloggers gathering at my house 3 years ago.

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The other day, I found this recipe in a cookbook 西饼物语 while i shopping at the bakery shop. This bakery shop is own by Wendy Kor also the cookbook writer. I am bless that i getting to know her. Whenever i have problem with baking, sure take opportunity to get her advise and she has never turn down my questions.

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I quickly tested out her recipe. But the cookies turned out a bit thick and not as crispy as i tasted before. Also it was lacking a flavour..The same night, i did not sleep well, because i keep thinking what were lacking ^_^..Finally I got the answer in the next morning and I quicky tested it out..I am so glad that the taste is very close to what i tasted before..crispy, buttery and nice almond aroma..Check out recipe below..

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It is not so easy to make this cookie actually, quite time consuming too. Ya, you also need to have a shallow and thin tray like below, as for easy spread the dough..

The dough is sticky and wet

Spread evenly on the tray, another tedious job to get it smooth and evenly. Try to use a rolling pin to roll it smooth..


After bake half cooked, have to slice it, take time too..

One by one place two almond flakes on dough which have applied with egg wash..

Ready for 2nd bake

Finished products. For my oven, i have to rotate the tray in order to get even browning..

Even this cookie is tedious to make with just few simple ingredients, but definitely worth to make. A box of this selling outside is close to RM 30, but i know the price is worth it !!
I would like to share this recipe here with you all, so you can make this cookie for your family and relatives, and even you can sell it ..Happy Baking!!
Ya, before i forgot, this recipe is using Top flour (I think SG is quite easy to get this flour) or some called it as cookie flour, very fine and light flour..If you can't find this flour, just simply replaced it with cake flour or superfine flour..Also take note that below volume is fix into my tray size in order to get about 2mm thickness of cookies. If you have difference size of tray, proportion it out the recipe, othewise you can't get this thin and crispy cookie.

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I also tested with 3 types of butter, 1st with margarine and this is out. I prefer cheap butter (B xx brand ) than Axx brand. But this is really up to your choice..

Crispy Almond Butter Cookies 酥脆杏仁饼
(recipe source: largely adapted from 西饼物语 by Wendy Kor, with my own modification)
* 2 x (14”x14”x 1/8 “ square trays)
* One tray – 14 cut x 1” and 10 cut x 1.4” , makes 140pcs

190g butter
100g icing sugar
IMG_6095 copy 50g egg white
220g Top flour or Cookie flour
2tsp custard powder
50g ground almond

Almond flakes
For egg wash-3 egg yolks + 1tbsp milk

1. Cream butter and icing sugar on low speed for 1 minute. Scrape mixing bowl and continue to mix on medium high speed for 3-4minutes till light and fluffy.
2. Add in egg white and mix on medium high speed for 1min.
3. Add in ground almond, mix well. Sifted in cookie flour and custard powder. Mix for 1 min to form soft dough (dough is wet).
4. Spread the dough onto the tray. Cover a plastic sheet on top and roll evenly with a rolling pin. Remove the plastic sheet.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C (lower rack, fan forced) for 4mins until half cooked.
6. Take out from oven and let cool for 1min. Use a pizza cutter or knife, slice into rectangles.
7. Brush with egg yolk and place two pieces of almond flake on each of the cookie repeat until finished.
8. Do not brush egg yolk for the whole baking tray at one time, because egg yolk will turn dry quickly and almond flake will not stick to the cookie base.
9. Continue to bake at 170C (lower rack, fan forced) for 10mins or until golden brown ( try to rotate the tray for few times for even browning).
10. Once done, remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Remove from the tray and store in air-tight container.

This is how i pack them

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


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