Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rendang Daging Tok (Dry Beef Rendang) 霹雳冷当牛肉

Every time during Ramadan month (Muslim fasting month), I am sure craving for a good Rendang ( I have two version here, rendang chicken and beef rendang ). The other day, my blogger friend Yan who is staying in Ipoh Perak, sent me a link and asked me to cook this Rendang Daging Tok ( a special dry rendang dish from Perak state) . And I told her I will immediately cook it, but too bad I can't send it over for her to taste my rendang ^_^.
According to here, in old time, Rendang Tok considered a special food that only served to Royal family. "Tok" refer to those renowned peoples.

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First, marinate beef cubes with spices

Ingredients to used


Ingredients are all ready, going to cook Rendang Daging Tok

Actually the cooking method is quite straight forward, add all ingredients together then cook over low heat for about 2hrs..




cook till meat reached fork tendered..

While i was shopping for the ingredients, also try to figure out what veggie dish to enjoy with this Rendang. I saw two makcik there, I quickly asked them what type of veggie dish usually they served with Rendang. Then they told me to cook sayur campur (mixed vegetables).
So this is the Malay style of sayur campur (mixed vegetables) that I cooked to serve with this Rendang Tok . The seasoings I used are light soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, chicken stock powder and salt.
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This Rendang Tok tasted so aromatic with all spices and herbs added in..this recipe defintely a keeper..And rendang taste even better if keep till the next day, more flavourful !

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Rendang Daging Tok
(recipe source: adapted from Norzie Hany with adjustment to larger amount)

800g beef, cubed (3cm)

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Marinate beef for 2hrs with
1 and 1/2tbsp coriander powder (ketumbar)
1 and 1/2tsp cumin powder (jintan putih)
1 and 1/2tsp fennel powder (jintan manis)
1/2tsp black pepper powder (lada hitam)
1tsp salt (garam)

Blend these ingredients
20 shallots (bawang kecil)
6 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
6 lemongrass (batang serai)
1” blue ginger (lengkuas/galangal)
1” ginger ( halia)
½”  turmeric ( kunyit hidup)

1tbsp red chili powder (serbuk chili)
6pcs kaffir lime leaves (daun limau purut)
2tbsp Palm sugar (gula Melaka)
6pcs cardamom (buah pelaga)
6pcs cloves ( bunga cengkih)
1pc cinnamon stick (kulit kayu manis)
Coconut milk from one old grated coconut (add 2 cups water)
1cup toasted grated coconut( kerisik) , take 70g from the same grated coconut

Salt to taste


  1. Add all ingredients in a pot, bring to boil over high heat.
  2. Once boiled, reduce to low heat and simmer for 2hrs or till fork tendered.
  3. Adjust the taste with salt and palm sugar accordingly, stir the mixture from time to time.
  4. Serve with rice and choice of stir fried vegetables.

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I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Perak month hosted by 
WendyinKK of Table for Two....or more 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pickled Green Chillies /Chili Hijau Jeruk / 腌青辣椒

I bet everyone know well about this pickled green chillies, especially one item that can not missed if you take wanton noodles...


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try to use better quality of naturally brewed of rice vinegar

This pickled green chillies is quick, you can start to enjoy it after 2 hours.
This is the comparison after 1 hour, the colour started to change 


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I was enjoyed this crunchy pickled green chilies with a special food from Anson Perak (安順). I guess you know what I am referring to right? ^_^
This recipe just nice to fit a recycle of  Tauchu (fermented soy beans paste) glass jar.

Pickled Green Chillies /Chili Hijau Jeruk / 腌青辣椒
(recipe source: method from Dapur tanpa Sempadan, recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

200g green chillies, wash and drained, cut into 3mm slices
gc10 copy1 cup (250ml) naturally brewed rice vinegar
1/2cup (100g) caster sugar
1/2tsp fine salt


  1. Pour hot water (from Thermo tumbler) over the sliced chillies, stand for 20seconds, drained well on a colander.
  2. Dissolve sugar and salt with vinegar. Places cut chillies in a clean and dry glass jar.
  3. Pour vinegar mixture into jar to pickle the chillies. The chillies will be ready after 2 hours.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kopitiam Milk Buns / Plain Milk Buns 甜牛奶面包

I have posted Chicken & Potatoes milk buns, chocolate milk buns and wholemeal milk buns using the same overnight sponge dough(milk) recipe. But I almost forgotten to post this basic and plain milk buns which I did much earlier than all these buns. This very soft milk buns don't need much introduction, very popular among Chinese bloggers. And this buns look so old fashioned like those served in kopitiam (local café) in the old time, serve together with kaya (coconut egg jam) and butter. 


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don't need to egg wash this bun, look so basic and good!

from this pulling action, you can see how soft this bun is..

if you want to store it, then suggest to store in air-tight container to prevent buns turned dry. 

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I might cut down the sugar amount of this recipe in the future, because my family said this bun tasted a bit sweet for their liking. After spread with kaya (coconut jam), become even sweeter..
Updated on 20th Aug 2013- The overnight sponge dough can be kept in the fridge for up to 7 days, you can use it whenever you feel like baking the bread.

Plain Milk Buns / Kopitiam Milk Buns 甜牛奶面包
(recipe source: adapted from Crystal, with minor changes)
*makes 9 buns

Overnight sponge dough
km9 copy215g high protein flour
125g milk (cold)
2g instant yeast (1/2tsp)


1.         Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to a rough dough by hands , the dough is dry and rough and don't need to knead till pass window pane. Cover tightly with cling film and immediately store in the fridge for overnight (at least 12hours).

To prepare milk buns
1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough
90g high protein flour
30g egg (1/2 large egg)
4g instant yeast (1tsp)
3g fine salt (1/2tsp)
60g sugar
45g butter (room temperature)
1tbsp milk (cold)

1.Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough.
2. Add in the butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with cling film and set aside to proof till double in size.
3.Punch down the dough to expel air, equal divide the dough to 9 portions, shape into round balls. Place dough in a square pan. Let it proof for another 30-45mins.
4.Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 20mins.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Foods, Accomodation and More pictures, Rome Italy 2013 羅馬意大利自由行

Here come the last update of Roma. After Roma, the next destination is Venice.


Here are few pictures to share with you..
I am so regret that did not bring back any drawing from this trip


Italy is very Asian, still can see peoples selling fake branded bag at the roadsideIMG_3257
Never seen this type of nutella dip before, actually it has two section, one is the cookie bar to dip with nutella, another section is lemon tea drink, interesting right? I brought some back for my kids to try out, they were excited to enjoy this. but this is not cheap, if I could remember one cost Euro 3 ++ per box.

You can find good ingredients to prepare a Italian meal at this kind of shop

A shop only sell Pinokio items.

street view at night

orange tree on the roadside

Ok, this is my favourite Italy restaurant name Chianti Roma. I can't find their link, and forgot to take their name card for the address. I can remember they located at Via de Crociferi (near to Fontana di Trevi ).

I like their Rooster logo !

Many Chianti wines displayed on the shelf..


Most of the restaurant, they will serve this type of plain bread before a meal start..

This is Spaghetti Carbonara, but we did not appreciate Carbonara because the strong cheese taste.."Not ngam our taste", hehehe..

 I ordered Tagliolini ai fungi por (Tagliolini Porcini mushroom), oh, this was so good, the fresh Porcini was good and nice aroma! I must imitate this one day with my dried Porcini mushrooms.

Now come to the main dish, this is stewed pork, the taste quite ordinary

This is Roast Lamb , and this is very good, the meat was tendered and flavourful..If I will visit Italy again, sure I will go back to this restaurant to order this again.

This was a compliment dessert..


Another restaurant that we like, Target Ristorante Roma , just located near to the hotel we stayed





Our first try of Gnocchi, immediate fall in love with this pasta. I also imitated this gnocchi with clams and asparagus recently.

and we also love this Rosemary grilled beef, we even went back to this restaurant again and ordered the same beef and gnocchi..

Tiramisu also good!

Target Ristorante
Millenium 3000srl
Via Torino, 33-00184 ROMA
Tel: 0674740066

Ok, here is the Hotel that we stayed, Hotel Adler Rome . This hotel was recommended by my hubby's Italy counterpart. This hotel is near to Termini train station and metro station, and also near to famous tourist place. Price wise also reasonable.


Old-fashioned of lift 


Old-fashioned of staff, hahaha, just joke only. Friendly staff instead.

walkway to the rooms

the breakfast area

They provide simple breakfast daily. I like their Nutella and croissant. Their croissant is sweet type but not like the usual salty type..

About 10mins walks from Termini train station or 5mins to Repubblica metro station. I took this photo while we on the way to take train to Vatican city.

Extremely long escalator at the Repubblica Metro station 
I feel like going to fall when taking this escalator, scary  ^_^


beautiful night scene near to the hotel

Hotel Adler - via Modena n°5
tl. +39 06 484466

We made the right choice, left our big luggages at this hotel, and travel light to Venice by flight, stay tuned for my next Venice update....
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