Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Copycat KXC fried chicken (Original) 山寨版肯记炸雞

Both my son Desmond and hubby also said that this Copycat KXC fried chicken tasted like the real KXC fried chicken original flavours ^_^.

updated on 26 Jul 2013-i made changes to the title due to the fried chicken name is a registered trademark.

KFC1 copy

The other day I accidently found this video of double breading of fried chicken technique. It was shared by 月儿妈妈It is a way to get crispy chicken by double breading the chicken and immersion frying (dip chicken in water). I was curious this new method and quickly try out this method and am so happy with the result. The chicken stayed crisps for at least an hour.
Understand the famous KXC fried chicken is made with several herbs and spices, so I also mix and match with difference herbs and spices, and surprisingly my copycat KXC fried chicken taste very close to the original flavours of real KXC ^_^.


 Lets see how 月儿妈妈 's method
First toss chicken pieces with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces

Place floured chicken pieces in the colander


    put the colander in the water and immediately lift it up, remove excess water.


Place wet chicken pieces back to the flour

again toss the chicken with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces

Then deep fry the chicken (check below recipes on the tips of deep frying method)

This is the mixed herbs (contains several type of herbs)  that I use, bought it from Switzerland last time. If you can't find this, just simply replace with Italian mixed herbs.

This is the Paprika that I used

I hope you can try this out at home, so you can impress your kids ^_^
KFC2 copy

And trust me you just need to use normal plain flour (don't need to add rice flour, corn flour or potato flour, I tried, the crust turn a bit hard), you can have the crispy fried chicken. Next time I going to try with cake flour, I suspect it will get better result!
And maybe try with Third breading?
Or use pressure cooker to fry? Like how KXC many methods to try out again..hehehe..

Copycat KXC fried chicken (Original) 山寨版肯记炸雞
(recipe source: frying chicken method from 月儿妈妈 , marinate and flour recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1.3kg chicken pieces (I use 6 chicken drumsticks, 2 chicken wings, 2 chicken thighs (halved)

KFC copy
Marinate ingredients
1tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tbsp light soy sauce
2 shallot, grated
½” ginger, grated
2tsp salt
2tsp sugar
White pepper powder

Flour mixture ingredients
300g plain flour 普通面粉
2tsp mixed herbs 混合香草
1tsp cumin powder小茴香粉
1tsp Sweet Hungarian Paprika 红甜椒粉
1/4tsp five-spice powder 五香粉
1tsp salt
Black pepper powder 黑胡椒粉
White pepper powder 白胡椒粉


  1. Marinate chicken pieces with marinate ingredients at least 4 hours.
  2. Mix flour mixture ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.
  3. When ready to cook, prepare a basin of clean water and a colander.
  4. Toss chicken pieces with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
  5. Place floured chicken pieces in the colander, put the colander in the water and immediately lift it up, remove excess water.
  6. Place wet chicken pieces back to the flour, again toss the chicken with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
  7. Heat enough cooking oil in a pot over medium high heat. Once oil is hot, reduce heat to Low to medium( I use Low heat), then put in the floured chicken pieces, deep fry for 10mins. Then increase heat to High, continue to deep fry for 2-3mins or until golden brown. (** in order to have crunchy crust, chicken pieces must be fully submerged and covered by hot oil. The last 2-3mins deep fry on High heat is to remove oil and to have less oily fried chicken).
  8. After frying, place chicken on a wire rack to remove excess oil. The fried chicken stayed crisp for at least 1 hour.


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