Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pickled Green Chillies /Chili Hijau Jeruk / 腌青辣椒

I bet everyone know well about this pickled green chillies, especially one item that can not missed if you take wanton noodles...


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try to use better quality of naturally brewed of rice vinegar

This pickled green chillies is quick, you can start to enjoy it after 2 hours.
This is the comparison after 1 hour, the colour started to change 


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I was enjoyed this crunchy pickled green chilies with a special food from Anson Perak (安順). I guess you know what I am referring to right? ^_^
This recipe just nice to fit a recycle of  Tauchu (fermented soy beans paste) glass jar.

Pickled Green Chillies /Chili Hijau Jeruk / 腌青辣椒
(recipe source: method from Dapur tanpa Sempadan, recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

200g green chillies, wash and drained, cut into 3mm slices
gc10 copy1 cup (250ml) naturally brewed rice vinegar
1/2cup (100g) caster sugar
1/2tsp fine salt


  1. Pour hot water (from Thermo tumbler) over the sliced chillies, stand for 20seconds, drained well on a colander.
  2. Dissolve sugar and salt with vinegar. Places cut chillies in a clean and dry glass jar.
  3. Pour vinegar mixture into jar to pickle the chillies. The chillies will be ready after 2 hours.


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