Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Japanese Salted Salmon 塩鮭 , Tri-colours Salted Salmon Rice 三色盖饭

A colourful and healthy Tri-colours salted salmon rice, something that I will definitely cook again!!

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 The first time I tried salted salmon was in Osaka Japan. This was the Japanese breakfast that they served, everything were so tasty especially the salted salmon !

Make sure you get a piece of very fresh salmon, prefer sashimi-grade. The first time I used a big piece of frozen debone salmon piece from the nearby supermarket Txxxx. It was a waste, and i have to throw away the whole fish as the fish was bad and after I put salt and marinated, it turn to real salted fish (臭鹹鱼),LOL ! 

 Thanks to Nami (Just One Cookbook) sharing such a simple and yummy salted salmon recipe ..And I saw the Fuss Free chef also shout out her recipe.
I have slightly reduced the salt amount, as we prefer less salty.. 


The idea of using salted salmon to prepare this Tri-colours salted salmon rice was from an article in a newspaper talked about benefit of lady-fingers..This rice is simply healthy and look beautiful with tri-colours !
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Japanese Salted Salmon
(recipe source: largely adapted from Just One Cookbook, with minor changes)

250g salmon with skin (debone and sashimi-grade)
ss2 copy1/2tbsp sake (or Chinese cooking wine)
10g fine sea salt (4% of salmon weight)
Lemon wedges (optional)


  1. Wash and rinse salmon under water, and pat dry with paper towel. Slice the salmon diagonally about 0.5mm (your choice of preference).
  2. Using a silicon pastry brush, dip it into the sake and brush over the salmon slices both sides.
  3. About 10mins, pat dry salmon with paper towel.
  4. Rub the salt onto both sides of the salmon slices.
  5. Line the bottom of an air-tight container with paper towel. This will absorb extra moisture/water coming out from the salmon.
  6. Put the salmon and lay another sheet of paper towel on top. Repeat the same until finished.
  7. Keep in the refrigerator for 1 day, take the portion if you want to cook the same day and place the rest in freezer bag and store in the freezer. Defrost before cooking.
  8. You can either pan fry salted salmon in a non-stick pan or grill in the oven at 200C for 5mins (depend on the size). Drizzle with lemon before serve.

Tri-colours Salted Salmon Rice 三色盖饭
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Salted salmon, grilled, break it into small pieces
Lady fingers, broccoli or any other green veggie, blanched in hot water, sliced and mix with olive oil and sea salt
Scramble eggs ( seasonings-salt, light soy sauce, but I used dashi powder)
Japanese cooked rice

To serve-just assemble all together and enjoy!


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