Friday, July 12, 2013

Hokkien Stir-fried White Rice Cake 福建炒白粿

Beside Hokkien Mee, this stir-fried white rice cake also quite popular in "Tai Chow" hawker stalls in Selangor and KL. Hokkien people call this as "Char Pei Ker" . "Pei Ker" refer to white rice cake, and "Char" is stir fried.
This white rice cake itself is plain and no taste, so we have to add other ingredients like meat and vegetable and seasonings to make it tasty. We love the QQ texture of this white rice cake after cooked.

dry white rice cake
rice cake

have to soak in water for overnight to make it soften..
Hokkien fried rice cake_step 1

Hokkien fried rice cake_ingredients

** this recipe was featured in the Y3K recipes magazine May-June 2013 issue
Hokkien stir fried rice cake_1 copy

Hokkien Stir-fried White Rice Cake 炒白粿
(recipe source: by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover), **serves 5-6pax

400g dried white rice cake, soak overnight till soften
200g minced pork
Hokkien stir fried rice cake copy 100g prawns, chopped
20g dried shrimps, soaked and chopped
120g Chinese leek, sliced
3 shallots, sliced
2 garlic, sliced
2 cups water

1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp light soy sauce
2tbsp dark caramel soy sauce
1tsp salt or to taste


  1. Heat cooking oil in a wok and sauté shallots, garlic and chopped dried shrimps till aroma.
  2. Add in minced pork and chopped prawns, stir fry till change color. Add in water.
  3. Once water boiled, add in soaked white rice cake and leek, mix well.
  4. Add in all the seasonings, cook for few minutes.
  5. Dish out and serve hot.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Kuala Lumpur Selangor Month hosted by Shannon of Just As Delish


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