Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hashimaki / Okonomiyaki on Chopsticks / 箸巻き

Nowadays we can easily see peoples selling Okonomiyaki in pasar malam (night market) , but I hope after this post, they are going to sell this Hashimaki or Okonomiyaki on chopsticks ^_^.
According to here, Hashimaki is a typical festival snack from the Kansai region, it is similar to Okonomiyaki. Therefore, it will also often called Okonomiyaki on chopsticks. Translated mean "hashi" = chopsticks and "maki" role or something rolled.

Before I can prepare the Hashimaki, i have to collect enough of the disposable chopsticks. So every time I went to tapau (pack foods from outside) , I insist the seller to give me chopsticks, earlier I always refused for disposable chopsticks.


Prepare the batter first..

preparing the Hashimaki..

I bought this brush from Osaka the other day, found it is so easy to lightly brush oil on the pan..

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Hashimaki / Okonomiyaki on Chopsticks, so handy and cute !!
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Hashimaki / Okonomiyaki on Chopsticks / 箸巻き
(recipe source: inspired by this video, made changes to my previous Okonomiyaki recipe)

2 eggs (large)
hy11 copy200g plain flour
200g water
120g cabbage, shredded finely
1 spring onion, chopped
4 crabsticks, sliced
2tsp dashi powder
1/2tsp salt
8 pair of disposable chopsticks
Okonomiyaki sauce
Japanese mayonnaise
Katsuobushi (bonita flakes)
Furikake or Aonori (green laver) 

  1. Mix the cabbage, carrot, egg, flour, dashi powder and water in a large bowl, combine well till no lumps.
  2. Heat some oil in a pan over medium heat and spread one ladle of batter on top part of the pan in oval shape.
  3. When the edges begin to dry, place a pair of chopsticks and roll the okonomiyaki, set aside and make the rest.
  4. Put them back in the pan, cover and cook under low fire until done, then cook the other side until golden brown.
  5. Top with Okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, bonita flakes and Furikake or Aonori.


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